大阪に、お越しの際には、難波千日前にあります、なんばグランド花月向かいに、YES-NAMBAビルの地下1階にありますNMB48劇場へお立ち寄翻訳 - 大阪に、お越しの際には、難波千日前にあります、なんばグランド花月向かいに、YES-NAMBAビルの地下1階にありますNMB48劇場へお立ち寄英語言う方法





8月13日に、NMB48、2ndアルバム『世界の中心は大阪や 〜なんば自治区〜』発売になりますので、





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]

In Osaka to travelers there to Namba sennichimae, Namba Grand flower month opposite the

there YES-NAMBA basement 1 floor

please NMB48 theatre.
(JR Namba station, Nankai station, Midosuji Line Namba station)

8/13, NMB48 and 2nd album "and Osaka is the center of the world-Namba Borough ~ ' will be released, so

NMB48 charm plenty songs packed with.

Please ask on this occasion.

Well,Thank you.

I think NMB48 seriousness through ECHO in the hearts of many fans who.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

In Osaka, when traveling, it is located in the Nanbasen'nichimae, the Thing opposite, located on the first basement floor of the YES-NAMBA building not Please stop by to NMB48 theater. (JR Namba Station, Nankai Namba Station, Midosujisen Namba Station) on August 13, it will be "center of the world ~ ~ borough Namba Osaka and" the launch NMB48,2nd album, the charm of NMB48 is, a song lots But full. On this occasion, not ask please. Yoroshu, thank you. I think in the mind of everyone of many fans, seriousness of NMB48 is, the transmitted sound.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
To Osaka, when you come in from Napoli, Nanba grand kagetsu, located on the first floor of building and underground YES NAMBA to NMB theater please drop in. JR Namba station of the Nankai Namba station and Osaka Station on August 13, RI, NMB 2nd album in the center of the world, and to Japan to launch Osaka appealing because of NMB 48, many songs, but. In this opportunity, please don't ask. Very good, tooPlease be patient. A serious of NMB 48 to the heart of many fans, I think the sound transmission. Is the
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