Good morning, sir. Comment of the morning. I was eating breakfast. Did you apply sunscreen before going out. (laughs) I please be careful! Read the blog. She ´ grass)
yesterday, I cry. Someya, happiness is what it looks like. I just laugh, too, or speak, orIt is not always think in words like Someya, cute, nice healed to face and meet my love and thanks. In addition, (´∀`*)
「 one nice "more summer memories, I think so. In my case, but memories of winter. Someya (laughs) - thanks! Thank you sincerely (^~^) ♥
Someya of love to see the smile of the great power, to show its cheerful face.I can do better than before, I think Mr. Someya, me. W is very happy. @ Someya, sad and painful thing that O
trusts him open, in a cheerful mood. Oh, yeah? (*
*) too tender, lovely man. Someya, thanks. Well, that was because of an affair. At that time, (^^ is very painful. Now the pain, sadness, although there is nothing. It is the futureAnd I have absolutely no relationship. But he chose to walk on the way from now on, I want happy Xmas. We see the picture w Korea V Someya, too, can feel tomorrow. You want to ~♥ stroked her cheek. (laughs), too. I ~~♪ O trusts