And "glean" of deer - from field notes recording Tsuji Yamato observation of opportunity lies in Miyagi Prefecture Oshika Peninsula off the coast of Kinka, but small island area of about 10 square kilometers. The remaining virgin forests of beech and fir, including Japanese macaques and deer, wild creatures are numerous habitat. I on the island, has been studied foraging behavior of monkeys. The island There are currently about two hundred monkeys, we are living by creating a six herd. I've been observing for the study is the flock who are in the northwest of the island. The region, in addition to the monkey, are also living three hundred horses near the deer. However, monkeys are Ki-jo, deer because that is a place of the ground the main living, this two kinds of animals have been considered to be living independently of one another. However, May 23, 2000, it's about when I was observing the monkeys as usual. To stop the hand that wore the record in the field notes, I had involuntarily staring in front of the sight of the eye. Surprisingly, few heads of deer, gathered beneath the tree monkey is eating, is began to eat so as to compete for monkey of dropped leaves and flowers. Nakaniwa, and bite to the branches that bent under the weight of monkey, it had also deer eating leaves in the place where it does not reach normally. Below are some fields note of the day. At a later date, was examined the literature, act of eating food animals on the tree was off the ground animal is adopted, it was found that it has been called "gleaning" is likened to paintings of Millet. However, it is that the details are examined, did not seem too far. I was interested in "gleaning" is, every time you see the same behavior of then also deer, decided to record the following items in the field notes.