この度の貨物はみにまむ料金になります。Thank you for the notice, and I apologize for the d翻訳 - この度の貨物はみにまむ料金になります。Thank you for the notice, and I apologize for the d英語言う方法

この度の貨物はみにまむ料金になります。Thank you for th

Thank you for the notice, and I apologize for the delay in my response.
We thank you for always doing business with us.
I submit an estimate when I used marine transportation.
The minimum guarantee amount of money is set.
In the case of marine transportation, Minimumcharge is set.
And the marine transportation is an identical price to 1/RT.
Minimum charge:1/RT=1.000m3 or 1,000kg
Necessary days. =18~22days(YOKOHAMA, JAPAN→ NSV INDIA)

Mixed-loading facilities./ Small package shipment.
Custom-house brokers fee (NIPPON EXPRESS) ¥8,000
Customs clearance fee ¥5,900
Documentation Fee (B/L Fee) ¥3,800
CFS Charge (R/T) ¥3,980
THC Charge (R/T) ¥1,500
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
A cargo of ' minimum rates.Thank you for the notice, and I apologize for the delay in my response.We thank you for always doing business with us. I submit an estimate when I used marine transportation. The minimum guarantee amount of money is set. In the case of marine transportation, the Minimumcharge is set. And the marine transportation is an identical price to 1 / RT. Minimum charge:1/RT=1.000m3 or 1000 kg Necessary days. = 18-22 days (YOKOHAMA, JAPAN-> NSV INDIA) Mixed-loading facilities./ Small package shipment. Custom-House brokers fee (NIPPON EXPRESS) ¥ 8000Customs clearance fee ¥ 5900Documentation Fee (Fee B/L) ¥ 3800CFS Charge (r/t) ¥ 3980THC Charge (r/t) ¥ 1500 ¥ 23180
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This time of the cargo will be the minimum fee.
Thank You For The Notice, And I Apologize For The Delay In My Response.
We Thank You For Always Doing Business With Us.
I Submit An Estimate When I Used Marine Transportation.
The Minimum Guarantee Amount Of Money Is Set.
In The Case Of Marine . Transportation, Minimumcharge Is Set
And The Marine Transportation Is An Identical Price To 1 / RT.
Minimum Charge: 1 / RT = 1.000M3 Or 1,000Kg
. Necessary Days = 18 ~ 22Days (YOKOHAMA, JAPAN → NSV INDIA) Mixed-Loading Facilities Small Package Shipment ./. Custom-House Brokers Fee (NIPPON EXPRESS) ¥ 8,000 Customs Clearance Fee ¥ 5,900 Documentation Fee (B / L Fee) ¥ 3,800 CFS Charge (R / T) ¥ 3,980 THC Charge (R / T) ¥ 1,500 ¥ 23,180

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This freight will never happy.You Thank notice for the, and apologize for the delay in my I response.We always thank you for doing business with us.I submit an estimate when used I marine transportation.The guarantee a minimum amount of money is set.The case of marine transportation In, Minimumcharge is set.The And marine transportation is an identical to RT price 1.Minimum charge: 1 RT by 1.000, 1000 kg / m3 or 1Necessary days = 18 to 22 days. YOKOHAMA, JAPAN NSV INDIA.Mixed loading facilities along Small package shipment.House Custom brokers fee of NIPPON EXPRESS 8 000 yen,.Customs clearance fee 5, 900 yenDocumentation Fee of B and L Fee 3, 800 yen.CFS Charge of R and T, 980 n 3.THC Charge of R and T 1 500 yen,.In English is 23, 180.
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