おつかれ~!フィリピンで英語学習を開始して2週間目に突入したけど、毎日頭から煙が出そうになりながら勉強しています(本当に)。一日12時間くら翻訳 - おつかれ~!フィリピンで英語学習を開始して2週間目に突入したけど、毎日頭から煙が出そうになりながら勉強しています(本当に)。一日12時間くら英語言う方法



ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
~ Your hard work!
You have entered the second week and the start of the English learning in the Philippines, but I have been studying smoke while becoming so out of the
head every day (really).
You have been studying English for about 12 hours a day, but in about a week, I can not feel the results pretty
Because there are only five weeks away, and study hard!

I think the clothes she had bought, and not wear out in Japan, but please give if I wear it with such as home occasionally (straw)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Great job ~!
I started learning English in the Philippines, into the second week
studying while becoming daily smoke is not forthcoming from the head (really).
I was studying English day 12 hours long, at about 1 week but
hard to not feel results?.
Study from only five weeks without desperately!

I think she bought clothes are unwearable outside in Japan (straw)
once in a while give wearing the House or.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Tired may ~!
in the Philippines to start learning English in the first two weeks I went from the head, the
smoke every day so the study while. They are really). I
12 hours a day to study English, but I believe that it is in about a week, the
I feel difficult.
5 weeks, from not only the study hard!

she had bought clothes that is that, in Japan, the outside but I don't think clothes (straw)
sometimes I wear at home.
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