第三は忍耐力。忍耐力はじっと仕事をするのに必要な資質です。インドネシア人はいったん手続きや手順が定められると、これを忠実に守る。定形作業をこ翻訳 - 第三は忍耐力。忍耐力はじっと仕事をするのに必要な資質です。インドネシア人はいったん手続きや手順が定められると、これを忠実に守る。定形作業をこ英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The third is patience. Patience is the qualities needed to work quietly. Indonesia people who once determined procedures and instructions, and it faithfully. To get more done-shaped craftsmanship to anyone. And perfecting its on your skills, to top notch work. No doubt that this advantage is much alive in Indonesia's current production. On the other hand, to defend the Alliance steps leads to cannot deal with the problem. What steps or defect determined areas for improvement, even that silent and continue. Nothing takes measures to yourself and even fatal problems with the instructions on the No. It's all posture of waiting. So if you encounter problems, there a competent administrator and give appropriate instructions as long as all activity stops. In this sense, a competent administrator can be placed much more on key points of the management.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Third is perseverance. Perseverance is still is the qualities required to do the job. When the Indonesians are determined once the proceedings and procedures, defend it to the faithful. Anyone does not take the sink is through that do a fixed form work. Skilled to and skill is applied on it, you'll be a first-class job. There is no doubt that this advantage has been utilized much in the production site of the current Indonesia. On the other hand, to protect the alliance procedure, leads that you can not deal with the problem occurs. Even if there is a point to be trouble and improvements something to procedure, continue silently that it predetermined. Even if the problem is a fatal, nothing in yourself that there is no indication of the above does not take measures. All waiting for attitude. So if there is a problem, as long as there is not given the appropriate instructions to have a competent administrator, all activities will stop. In this sense, or a competent administrator can how many placement will be the management of key points.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Third, the patience. Quality is the necessary patience to do the job. Indonesia who once established procedures and procedures, and to abide by. To perform routine tasks take no second. The expert skills applied thereon, so that the top job. There is no doubt that this advantage in the production field of the current Indonesia greatly. However, to protect the cooperation procedure leads to cope with the problems that can occur.In some points which should be improved, and the decided to keep silent. Even if a fatal problem, and not on yourself will not take any measures. All the waiting position. So if there is a problem, as long as the appropriate instructions to a competent administrator there, stop all operations. In this sense, the ability to control how much can be arranged in the management of the key.
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