只今、入国管理局の指示により、出国審査をこちらで承ることができません。つきましては、お客様にはラウンジでお待ち頂き、スタッフがお客様のパスポ翻訳 - 只今、入国管理局の指示により、出国審査をこちらで承ることができません。つきましては、お客様にはラウンジでお待ち頂き、スタッフがお客様のパスポ英語言う方法



ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
By Now, immigration instructions the immigration van here. Please wait in your Lounge, staff and deposit your passport and Boarding pass, required documents, available on immigration on behalf. That customers favored the Passport, you CAN Check the bookings Central Embarkation Screening at hope , want to thank through normal immigration. Deeply apologize That we deeply apologize any Inconvenience.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Now, ACCORDING to the instruction of the Immigration Bureau, you Will not BE ABLE to Hear the immigration here.
We Would Therefore, to customers the top wait in the Lounge, staff Boarding pass with your passport, entrusted to us the required documents, Are available upon the immigration on behalf.
Customers do not like the Oazuke passport, but excuse me very, it Will Proceed to the Center of the immigration field, it IS proposed to want Will Complete your normal immigration. That We apologize for the Inconvenience, and apologize.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Now, the immigration office, no country can serve in the examination. Each was at the guests, staff lounge please have your passport and boarding pass, the necessary documents to the agent, available in the country. I do not like the passport check , very sorry, in the center of the country on course examination, examination of the country I would like to see you. Will it bother you, I sincerely apologize. At
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