人間の脳はパソコンのハードディスクに当たる機能がありません。メモリーだけであります。それも使っている時だけで使わなければ時間と共に忘れるよう翻訳 - 人間の脳はパソコンのハードディスクに当たる機能がありません。メモリーだけであります。それも使っている時だけで使わなければ時間と共に忘れるよう英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The human brain does on the computer's hard disk. And as memory.Do. You must use only when you use it in over time forget it is. MultilingualSay the words and sounds good, but 46% of the world in Asia 0/2500 writtenWhat's in. Mashi Tei thanks all recorded on the PC side, and says the currentThe seeing as many languages over a fullness of the heart there.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The human brain does not have the ability to hit the computer's hard disk. Memory is only between
you. It also looks like forget unless along with the time used only when you are using. Multilingual
but the hearing is good say the word 46 percent of the world is written in 2500 BC century around in Asia
it is proposed was. Favor externals in the PC side and the current of words had to record all of these
are, in fact to meet over as a multi-language There are a deep feeling.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The human brain is not the function of computer hard disk. There is only one memoryWant to be among the first to wish you every happiness. Is used only when it is used together with time to forget. MultilingualI hear and say good words and 46 per cent of the world in the Asian time written 2500 B.C.There is one. In the personal computer, and under the current word with all theseThe deep feeling to see things through with multiple languages.
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