三菱UFJ銀、独自の仮想通貨を開発中 コスト減へ期待朝日新聞デジタル 2月1日(月)11時33分配信三菱東京UFJ銀行が、独自の仮想通貨の開翻訳 - 三菱UFJ銀、独自の仮想通貨を開発中 コスト減へ期待朝日新聞デジタル 2月1日(月)11時33分配信三菱東京UFJ銀行が、独自の仮想通貨の開英語言う方法

三菱UFJ銀、独自の仮想通貨を開発中 コスト減へ期待朝日新聞デジタル

三菱UFJ銀、独自の仮想通貨を開発中 コスト減へ期待
朝日新聞デジタル 2月1日(月)11時33分配信


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Mitsubishi UFJ silver, its own virtual currency to the development in the cost reduction expectedAsahi Shinbun digital 2/1 (Monday) 11: 33 deliveryFound out that developing its own virtual currency, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. International money transfers and transfer fees can be cheaper, and significantly save the cost of management of financial transactions, such as new financial services that take advantage of IT, "FINTECH" in the practical realization of the said. It competes with row currency position for the time being, Yen exchange, who accompany guests to publish; For the first time revealed the development of a virtual currency by Japanese banks. According to bank executives, its own virtual currency, Mitsubishi UFJ financial group (MUFG) named MUFG coins. Prototype development since last autumn, and coins into the Smartphone application is almost completed. Suitable for virtual currency and validated by hobby coin Exchange, the Bank works to study. Manages large computers in the line data for all financial transactions through the Bank of most Japanese banks, including Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ and system investment over the cost. MUFG coins are utilizing new technology known as block chain can build cheaper resident registration record of transactions on a network of small computers, tamper-resistant. Said that requiring large computer-mediated system investment is much lower.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Mitsubishi UFJ silver, own of the virtual currency the development in the cost down to the expected
Asahi Shimbun digital 2 May 1 day ( month ) 11 hours 33 minutes delivery
of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Bank is , own of the virtual currency of development to proceed that are Me minute It bought . IT to take advantage of the new correct financial services " FinTech " of one Tsude , practical use if it is , financial transactions such as management applied to the cost of the significantly to savings and , international remittance and vibration Ri included Mino commission the safety Kudekiru that . The time being, "a row currency" with the position characterize it , circle and exchange and to be able to accompany the passengers to these issues to initiative also . Japanese banks due to the virtual currency of the development is a bright become Raka is the first Umate . The bank executives According to these , own of the virtual currency is , Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) from "MUFG coin " and Named digits . Last autumn from development to start to , a coin to smartphone acquisition Ri included the non-application prototype is almost complete. Spear of the coin by Sumaho taken Rio verification by , the bank will hand kicking is virtual currency worthy of the mechanism only research to . Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ most of the beginning of the Japanese banks is , bank the passing of Rusubete financial transaction data in the row of large computer management and , system investment to large of cost are over . MUFG coins , more of a small network of computers on in , reformed less likely to be remaining "trading record of the ledger," the safety rather than building can " block chain " and the call be exposed new technology to take advantage of. Large computer through the need for there is no , the system investment and significantly to depression that Erareru .

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Mitsubishi UFJ silver, its own virtual currency is expected to decrease development costAsahi digital newspaper February, April 11 at deliveryBank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ was found to promote its own development of virtual currency. To IT using one of the new financial services "fintech, if the implementation of the cost management of financial transactions, to save a lot of international remittance and transfer fee is low. As for the "row" currency, the yen and the construction can be replaced by the use of bank customers.By the banks of the development of the virtual currency will be the first time. Accompanied by officials, their own virtual currency, UFJ financial group (MUFG) from the MUFG named "coin". Started from last fall, almost completed a prototype of a coin into the smart phone applications. To verify the interaction by the study of mechanism of virtual currency was suitable for the bank.Most of the UFJ Mitsubishi Tokyo, all financial transactions through a data line in a large bank management computer system, a lot of investment cost. The MUFG coin on a plurality of computer network, a new technology called "block" chain "of cheap and can be altered to record transactions. No need for large computer through the system investment is greatly reduced.
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