今週のECB理事会で、利下げに踏み切るか、ドラギ総裁の発言には、注目が集まる。先週のアメリカの為替報告書で、ドイツについての指摘があり、ユー翻訳 - 今週のECB理事会で、利下げに踏み切るか、ドラギ総裁の発言には、注目が集まる。先週のアメリカの為替報告書で、ドイツについての指摘があり、ユー英語言う方法







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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the ECB Governing Council this week, you can either take off the rate cut, the remarks of President Draghi, gather attention.

At the exchange report of the United States last week, has pointed out that for Germany, the euro zone, the aspect of export-led recovery is greater.
There is a surface than is export-led recovery, the euro to rise unilaterally that trouble.
Deflation risk is conscious, suddenly Naishiwa rate cut, easing is likely out.
Consumer price index in October in the euro area (preliminary value),0.7 percent year-on-year plus, which is lower than Japan.
View possibility remarks Draghi Governor, be something dovish as of result indicators is high.

Short-term, easy to sell the euro.

Point technically is also approaching.

The upper limit of the cloud of Daily glance equilibrium chart of euro / yen, 132.64 yen near.

As a support line, if it is less than in the base closing price moving average 55 days (5 day = 132.67 yen), downward pressure is likely to intensify once.
In the short term,It is in an environment that is easy to attack the downside.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
ECB Executive Board this week, I decide to cut interest rates, gather attention to Draghi, President of the.

Last week United States currency report, and pointed out that for Germany, euro-zone aspect that the export-led recovery is greater.
There is export-led recovery over the euro rises to the surface.
Hardman, and easier to cut interest rates or additional observation out rapidly.
Euro area in October, the consumer price index (preliminary)Previous year ratio plus 0. 7 Percent, lower than Japan.
The view that will most likely be more dovish Draghi, President of the indicator results.

Short easy-to-sell euros.

A technical point, approaching.

Is 132 EUR / JPY daily ichimoku cloud ceiling. 64 Yen was near.

Support line is moving the 55 day average line ( 5 days = 132. 67 Yen ) falls in closing prices, and once easy-to-strong downward pressure.
In the short term,Environmental concerns easy to attack;
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the ECB board of directors of this week, I decide a reduction in interest rates, or the remark of the President ドラギ attracts attention.

By the American exchange report of last week, there is indication about Germany, and, in the euro area, the side called the recovery of the export leadership is big.
Since it is recovery of the export leadership, there is an aspect that it is troubled that euro rises one-sidedly.
A deflation risk is conscious of, and a reduction in interest rates - additional mild observation is easy to become give suddenly.
The October consumer price index (a news flash value) of the euro area,At plus 0.7% compared with the previous year, I am lower than Japan.
A viewpoint that it is very likely that the remark of the President ドラギ becomes like doves with an index result.

It is easy to sell the euro for a short term.

The point that is a technical mark approaches.

The upper limit of the cloud of the sun rays glance balance list of the euro / yen is the neighborhood of 132.64 yen.

Downward pressure is easy to be strengthened once when less than a moving average (5th =132.67 yen) on the basis of the closing prices as a support line for 55 days.
In the short term,Is easy to attack the lower value; environmental.
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