Is cheers for good work. Other day of the bad measures conference has become a mere briefing, we felt there is no development of resistance. Briefings to staff? For casting defect reduction, what you want to. 1, in the model that contains the upcoming, it was the last bad frequently. Or to produce with care what this time? Do we have to Ika to prepare anything in advance in order to not issue the same bad? 2. Casting · SP · processing defects in the equipment caused in order to not cause the same equipment trouble, and what must Ika was doing? What do not must be dealt care? Example, start-up inspection table add → SH · SJ confirmation same parts is broken → identify the true cause, I measures. Rather than measures nephew rear, and what can not be proactive? Efforts to take advantage of the products that today, tomorrow, this week production from past data is good think.