ベネッセホールディングスの原田社長は、茂木経済産業大臣に事実関係や再発防止策をまとめた報告書を提出しました。 ベネッセホールディングス・原田翻訳 - ベネッセホールディングスの原田社長は、茂木経済産業大臣に事実関係や再発防止策をまとめた報告書を提出しました。 ベネッセホールディングス・原田英語言う方法




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Harada, President of benesse holdings, submitted to Motegi Minister fact relation and preventive measures report.

Benesse holdings, and Harada eikō President: "deeply apologize for that inconvenience and worry. Report on the cause and countermeasures '
Mogi Ministers received the report stressed "over the six months, did not grasp the fact information leakage (Juki) is extremely regrettable". For Harada, PresidentExpressed thoughts and trust to get back.
Benesse holdings, and Harada eikō President: ' ) Mogi Minister of and out of the accident investigation Committee of our company results, promptly to deal with reporting arrangements, we would like '
emphasized the ideas as possible, said greater social impact in the use of the data in addition to Harada, President of the early final report presented to.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Harada, president of Benesse Holdings, submitted a report that summarizes the measures to prevent recurrence and facts in Motegi Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Benesse Holdings Harada泳幸president: ". I would like apologize that it has the inconvenience and worry is the report on the causes and solutions"

Mogi Minister received the report has emphasized that "did not know the facts of information leakage (leakage) for over six months is extremely regrettable" he said. Harada president, announced the idea to regain confidence and trust to this.
"I hear (from Mogi Minister) result of the accident investigation committee of our company If you get, and to deal with the report as soon as possible": Benesse Holdings Harada泳幸president
In addition, it said, "social impact in the use of data is large," said Harada president has emphasized the idea of ​​presenting the final report as soon as possible.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Benesse holdings, President Harada, submitted a report to the Minister of economy, trade and industry, this paper summarizes the Mogi prevention measures and facts. Benesse holdings, too, Harada eikou President: "I worry I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. A report on the investigation of the causes and Countermeasures of the minister's Mogi (1993) received the report, "half over the information leaked out of the stressed the fact that grasp was extremely regrettable." Harada, on the other hand, the presidentHe expressed his ideas back to relief and the trust. Benesse holdings at the president: Harada eikou (Motegi minister) of our company, the result showed that the accident investigation committee to deal with, and promptly report to the president and we got Harada (1993), is a big social impact in the "data to stress the idea was to present a final report as soon as possible. Too
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