ポルトガル中央銀行による、49億ユーロ規模のエスピリト・サント銀行 (BES)救済は、劣後債保有者に損失を強いる。損失の規模は、現時点で推定翻訳 - ポルトガル中央銀行による、49億ユーロ規模のエスピリト・サント銀行 (BES)救済は、劣後債保有者に損失を強いる。損失の規模は、現時点で推定英語言う方法

ポルトガル中央銀行による、49億ユーロ規模のエスピリト・サント銀行 (

ポルトガル中央銀行による、49億ユーロ規模のエスピリト・サント銀行 (BES)救済は、






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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
4900000000 euros by the Portugal Central Bank Espirito Santo Bank of scale (BES)-relief is
subordinated bond holders to force loss.

Scale loss difficult estimation at the moment, with subordinated bond prices are temporary past lows.

Portugal Central Bank is most of the assets of the BES and requisitioned deposits accepted business

transferred to the new company Novo Banco.

To inject money to Novo Banco Bank resolution funds in the Central Bank.

Relief funds are borrowing from the Treasury Department,In the future to repay by Novo Banco sale

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Portugal by the central bank, Espirito Santo Bank of 4.9 billion euros scale (BES) relief,
impose losses on subordinated debt holders. The scale of the loss, estimated it is difficult at the moment, subordinated debt prices have put a record low one o'clock. It took over the business and accept deposits most of the assets of BES, Portugal's central bank, transferred to Novo Banco of the new company. Bank insolvency fund of the central bank, to inject funds into Novo Banco. Relief funds, borrowing from the Treasury, to repay by Novo Banco sale in the future plans.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
By the Bank of Portugal, 49 billion euros of scale エスピリト・サント bank rescue force BES), holders of subordinated debt losses. The scale of the loss is difficult to estimate in the current price, the subordinated debt to the past. The Bank of Portugal too, and a new company of ノボ・バンコ seized most of the business transfer of assets and BES accept deposits. The process of bank failures, it is for central banks to inject money into ノボ・バンコ. The rescue funds, too, from the Treasury borrowingToo will be reimbursed by ノボ・バンコ sales in the future.
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