行きかう人 見知らぬ顔 ふと振り返った 聞こえたような 呼ばれたような そんな気がしたん だいまここに何があるか You know? I d翻訳 - 行きかう人 見知らぬ顔 ふと振り返った 聞こえたような 呼ばれたような そんな気がしたん だいまここに何があるか You know? I d英語言う方法

行きかう人 見知らぬ顔 ふと振り返った 聞こえたような 呼ばれたような

行きかう人 見知らぬ顔 ふと振り返った 聞こえたような 呼ばれたような そんな気がしたん だ

いまここに何があるか You know? I don't know.答えはない ふと浮かぶ幼い顔 止まった時

何にもない どうしようもない わかってるAh-いさぎよく笑う顔So bad いつまでどこまで追いかけてる 昔の自分がいるTell me

迷いはない 明日もない 昔も今も ここでひとり いつもひとり 過ごしてた日々

そうすべて自分の手で I do, kill someone生きぬいてきた この今をけちらすように 明日を斬る

どうしても こうしても 何も見えない 退屈な日々はもうNo,No. この目でこの手で築いたもの すべてを捨ててもいいGo way

いまここに何があるか you know? I don't know.答えはない ふと浮かぶ幼い顔 止まった時

どうしても こうしても 何も見えない 退屈な日々はもうNo,No. この目でこの手で築いたもの すべてを捨ててもいい

何にもない どうしようもない わかってるAh-いさぎよく笑う顔So bad いつまでどこまで追いかけてる 昔の自分がいるTell me
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
People come and go face a stranger suddenly turned sounded like was called, I feel like INow here is what do You know? I don't know... not mind an early look at answersLaugh at what not hopeless I know Ah-dependence facial So bad Tell me old chasing up to where ever you areHesitation is not tomorrow and not old even now I alone always alone spent here every dayKill tomorrow will distract this now so all in my hand I do, kill someone when plucking cameAlso just so you can't see anything boring days again No, No. In this first laid hands on what you can throw all Go wayNow here is what do you know? I don't know... not mind an early look at answersAlso just so you can't see anything boring days again No, No. In this first laid hands on what they throw away everythingLaugh at what not hopeless I know Ah-dependence facial So bad Tell me old chasing up to where ever you are
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
People unfamiliar face suddenly looked back I heard was kind of called was such a kind feel I have to buy to go when stopped what is here now You know? I do not know. The answer is not suddenly float young face what To you already know that helpless nor Ah- gracefully laugh face So bad forever old days of chasing how far he Tell me there every day you have spent hesitation not alone always alone also is not a long time ago also still here tomorrow so all my hand I do, kill someone and lived through this now and so will distract and kill the tomorrow has been can not see anything when I do this absolutely boring day-to-day anymore No, No. even throw away everything that was built in this hand in this eye nice Go way now here or you know? I do not know what is. answer when stopped suddenly floats young face not can not see anything when I really this bored a day-to-day anymore No, No. this hand in this eye Can I throw away everything that was built in what you already know that helpless nor Ah- gracefully laugh face So bad old self that are chasing indefinitely far're Tell me

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
You? Know I feel like a kid who was called to hear the strange face look back as well in what is I don 't know the answer is no, but does not occur when the infant face to face up to what is so bad So do not know when to laugh with Ah and chasing that I lost Tell me not tomorrow, not be here 々

will spend one day all the time all in your hands I do,Kill someone with this 生きぬい now so as to loosen the boring tomorrow I can't see anything up to this day No, No anymore in this? In this hand you know what to give you all the way up here and now Go what I don 't know the answer is a little boring does not occur when I face up to this day I can't see anything in this No, No at this building to give it all upI have to run after me Tell to face is not always a bad So Ah with a laugh. I know not what it was
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