アイス-プラネット椎名誠 僕のおじさんは「ぐうちゃん」という。彼の名は津田由起夫、三十八歳。彼はいそうろう。 僕の母親の弟だ。いつも母に怒ら翻訳 - アイス-プラネット椎名誠 僕のおじさんは「ぐうちゃん」という。彼の名は津田由起夫、三十八歳。彼はいそうろう。 僕の母親の弟だ。いつも母に怒ら英語言う方法

アイス-プラネット椎名誠 僕のおじさんは「ぐうちゃん」という。彼の名は






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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ice - planetMakoto Shiina My uncle "guu-Chan" is. His name is Yuki Tsuda Yukio, a 38-year-old. His pet peeve. It's my mother's brother. Always scolded by mother. Was settled in my house when I realised when I was a student, was travelling a lot of foreign. And that long "purposeless" because somewhere along the line "guu-Chan" that has become a nickname. But the guu-Chan is changed, she said somewhat happy. Look at it, my mother is also angry. But angry "guu, which Chan's favorite. "While I say the preparing for dinner from my mother a little weird. My House is on the outskirts of Western Tokyo, built by his grandfather's father. Old House, but guu-Chan 6 tatami mats between "isourou" and so guu-Chan is doing the "hardcore". He transfer Sendai and come home on weekends. Guu-Chan when says something must have peace of mind, say, father guu-Chan but schnorrer that looks like are welcomed. Guu-CHAN, have cameras, usually when I'm at home reading a book or converse only in cleaning, inspection, etc. At all just "hardcore" or not sometimes be away for about 1 week and a kimono. Guu-CHAN to greatly, and so around the country when the survey work. Brought the House once, surveying tools, saw, but it was in very precise telescopes. Take a peek inside the lens and in full scale, focuses on the dial. Prices do not really tried Pro Tools bitching. Do, guu-CHAN, survey specialists even seems not to. My mother is guu-CHAN's seems not like such uncomfortable work helped. "Early independent your, her job. This way your graduated from "schnorrer". "And always angry. Of guu-CHAN, also scolded by my mother, "but well a little. ", And says that mumbo jumbo. Then mother now towards me, "guu-Chan like's into adulthood is not. "And says. It's really complaining. So "guu-Chan" I peeled off, but Miu I love. Guu-CHAN's's story is interesting. My mother is "If you have everyone you know talk, I'm listening to that time not studying. "And says, but far more interesting than doing homework. So I guu-Chan of usually when you hear guu-Chan of room to go. Even in its day, after dinner I Flay Miu I of heard here in the room. Talked big animal."Yu-kun. Know what is the world's longest snake? 」 Guu-CHAN, and widened his eyes at that, I heard. It is always interesting when guu-Chan of habit, so Flay me Miu I of likes the look. But today the theme of the story is a little too childish. Was that until you find the mother, however, than to do my homework much sounded like from listening to the story."He said Anaconda's. In the African jungle per. 」"I am weak geographic Yu-kun. Anaconda in Amazon. Schrage and call people, it's in Portugal, meaning that the water snake. Longer thicker I entered the water, meandering, too Earth's gravity becomes a burden. 」"Encounter, swimming with hate. Likely not be swallowed. 」"So. Really easy to swallow man. Drainpipes horse alive! 」 Guu-CHAN's story is always suspicious. It's going good I omoshirogareba."That's a lie, right?. I mean I've read something tall horse is much more human and high, weight is normally 500 kg. You cannot open that big mouth though Anaconda is much greater. Oh and hey. 」"Is it undesirable I.. 」 Guu-Chan is a strange expression."It's not horse standing intact, large open and swallow. First bitten around the horse's neck, turn the horse. Then wrapped in the body of the horse, and will fold the pointed bone callus. I am so easy to swallow whole rounded to will. Then, I'm going slowly, drinking. 」 You really wish. Are listened to more vigorous and honest guu-CHAN's world of tall tales incorporated into it seems to be. But still interesting is suspiciously."Yu-kun. I'm all large animals of the Amazon. I have a giant catfish too. I think it's how much? 」 Turned out too big anyway, tall stories."Yeah you're right. So it's 1 m! 」See BPH. 」 I nod off, entirely treated as children."I have 3 m catfish normally in the Amazon. 」"Lie Ah. Oh and hey. 」 I came to the head. I'm is mistaken for elementary school students around me."I'm not joking. The size of the mouth about 1 meter. 」 Guu-Chan is also narrow eyes became. It's eyes are pleased, teasing me."Aaaah. 」 After I reply because it was somewhat ridiculous."Oh, don't believe will. So while gone and changed the space clean, small talk. 」 Guu-Chan is talking strategy has changed. Story of the universe is like. For example, or double Sun stars space located at the end of, or talk. However, guu-CHAN's story was a story of Earth in space."I shall once a year sea ice in the Arctic, to small ice planet said among the Inuit. It is PLA-NET. Is said to be filled that year that has seen it rarely, so. 」"Talk of fairy tales or something? 」「いや、本当にある話だよ。見ることのできた者を幸せにするという、地球の中にある小さな小さな美しい氷の惑星。いい話だろ。」「やっぱりありえねえ。俺、風呂の時間だし。」 ぐうちゃんは続けて話したそうだったけれど、母親が風呂に入れと大きい声で呼んだので、それを口実に逃げることにした。ぐうちゃんは、やっぱり今どきの中学生をなめているのだ。 翌日、学校に行く途中で、同じクラスの吉井と今村に会った。初めはどうしようかと思ったけど、馬も飲んでしまうでっかいアナコンダや、三メートルもあるナマズの話はおもしろかったし、氷の惑星の話も、本当だったらきれいだろうなと思ったから、つい吉井や今村にその話をしてしまった。二人は僕の話が終わると顔を見合わせて、「ありえねえ。」「証拠見せろよ。」と言った。「そんなほら話、小学生でも信じないぞ。」そう言われればそうだ。だから、部活が終わって大急ぎで家に帰ると、僕は真っ先にぐうちゃんの部屋に行って、「昨日の話、本当なら証拠の写真を見せろよ。」と無愛想に言った。ぐうちゃんは少し考えるしぐさをして、「そうだなあ。」と言って、目をパチパチさせている。「これまで撮ってきた写真をそろそろちゃんと整理して紙焼きにしないと、と思っているんだ。そうしたらいろいろ見せてあげるよ。」 むっとした。そんな言い逃れをするぐうちゃんは好きではない。なんかぐうちゃんに僕の人生が全面的にからかわれた感じだ。吉井や今村に話をした分だけ損をした。いや失敗した。僕までほら吹きになってしまったのだ。 それから夏休みになってすぐ、ぐうちゃんはいつもより少し長い仕事に出た。関東地方の各地の川の測量をするということだった。僕は人生を全面的にからかわれて以来、あまりぐうちゃんの部屋に行かなくなっていたから、気にも留めなかった。 夏休みも終わり近く、いつものように週末に帰ってきた父と母が話しているのが、風呂場にいる僕の耳にも入ってきた。「僕たちは、都市のビルの中にいるからなかなか気がつかないけど、由起夫君は若いころに世界のあちこちへ行っていたから、日本の中にいたら気がつかないことがいっぱい見えているんだろうね。なんだかうらやましいような気がするな。」 母は、珍しくビールでも飲んだらしく、いつもよりもっと強烈に雄弁になっている。「あなたは何をのんきなことを言っているの。由起夫が、いつまでもああやって気ままな暮らしをしているのを見ていると、悠太に悪い影響が出ないか心配でしかたがないのよ。例えば極端な話、大人になっても毎日働かなくてもいいんだ、なんて思って勉強の意欲をなくしていったとしたら、どう責任取ってくれるのかしら。」 父が何かを答えているようだったが、はっきりとは聞こえなかった。ただ、僕のことでぐうちゃんが責められるのは少し違う気がする。そう思うと、電気の消えたぐうちゃんの部屋が急に寂しく感じられてきた。 それから、ぐうちゃんがまた僕の家に帰ってきたのは、九月の新学期が始まってしばらくしたころだった。顔と手足が真っ黒になっていて、パンツ一つになると、どうしても笑いたくなって困った。 残暑が厳しい日だった。久しぶりにぐうちゃんのほら話を聞きたいと思った。またからかわれてもいい。暑いから、今度は寒い国の話が聞きたい感じだ。 ところが、ぐうちゃんの話は、でっかい動物のでも、暑い国のでも、寒い国の話でもなかった。「旅費がたまったから、これからまた外国をふらふらしてくるよ。」 ぐうちゃんは突然そう言った。「でもまあもう少し。」にはこんな意味があったのか。ぐうちゃんはいつもと変わらずに話を続けている。それなのに、ぐうちゃんの声はどんどん遠くなっていく。気がつくと、僕はぶっきらぼうに言っていた。「勝手に行けばいいじゃないか。」 ぐうちゃんは、そのときちょっと驚いた表情をした。何かを話しかけようとするぐうちゃんを残して僕は部屋を出た。 それ以来、僕は二度とぐうちゃんの部屋には行かなかった。母は、そんな僕たちに、あきれたり慌てたりしていたけれど、父はなにも言わなかった。 十月の初めに、ぐうちゃんは小さな旅支度をして「いそうろう」を卒業してしまった。 出発の日、僕は、なんて言っていいのかわからないままぐうちゃんの前に立っていた。ぐうちゃんは僕に近づき、あの表情で笑った。そして、なにも言わずに僕の手を握りしめ、力のこもった強い握手をして、大股で僕の家を出ていった。「ほらばっかりだったじゃないか。」「いそうろう」がいなくなってしまった部屋の前で、僕はそう思った。 ぐうちゃんから外国のちょっとしゃれた封筒で僕に手紙が届いたのは、それから四か月ぐらいたってからだった。珍しい切手がいっぱいはってあった。「あのときの話の続きだ。以前若いころに、北極まで行ってイヌイットと暮らしていたことがあるんだ。そのとき、アイスプラネットを見に行こう、と友達になったイヌイットに言われてカヌーで北極海に出た。アイスプラネット。わかるだろう。氷の惑星だ。それが北極海に本当に浮かんでいたんだ。きれいだったよ。厳しい自然に生きている人だけが目にできる、もう一つの宇宙なんだな、と思ったよ。地上十階建てのビルぐらいの高さなんだ。そして、海の中の氷は、もっともっとでっかい。悠君にもいつか見てほしい。若いうちに勉強をたくさんして、いっぱい本を読んで、いっぱいの『不思議アタマ』になって世界に出かけていくとおもしろいぞ。世界は、楽しいこと、悲しいこと、美しいことで満ち満ちている。誰もが一生懸命生きている。それこそありえないほどだ。それを自分の目で確かめてほしいんだ。」
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Ice - Planet
Shiina Makoto my uncle called "even-chan". His name is Yukio Tsuda, thirty-eight years. He hanger. It is a younger brother of my mother. Always it has been angry mother. It seemed was traveling a lot at the time to foreign students, when I noticed it had settled in my house. And, because a long time has been "lazy", it had unawares become a nickname of "even-chan". But, in the even-chan unusual people, but somehow joyful When it is said so. My mother also is angry to see it. angry but "this, favorite food. of even-chan" while saying Nante, is it because they were the preparation of rice mother also little changed. My house is there on the outskirts of west of Tokyo, was built by the father of the grandfather. And though it is an old house, there is a period of six tatami mats that even-chan can be "sponger", where even-chan have "lazy". My father was in the Sendai in bachelor, come back on the weekend. Because peace of mind when it becomes necessary and something heavy lifting even-chan are, to say, my father seems are welcome that the even-chan is a freeloader. Even-chan, that you are reading the most books when you are in the house, the camera of cleaning is the only Takaramono, have a such inspection. All is just not also "lazy", it is also when you want to occasionally away about one week. When I listen to even-chan, is such a case, and that is the work of surveying and around the country. Once, but showed me a tool of survey that returned to bring to the house, it was felt that the very precise telescope. To have a full memory during Excluding the inside of the lens, to focus on the dial. Indeed it cool With like professional of the human instrument. To say whether, even-chan, seems not a professional survey. My mother is like the way of such restless work of even-chan does not like. "Please properly independent fast and a job. Then please graduated from the" hanger "." And always angry. Question even-chan, even angry mother, say that "But, well a little more." I do not know such as the translation. Then, the mother in turn towards me, say, "I'll useless Become a even-chan like a adult.". I just complain really. It 's such "even-chan", I would love to even-chan. Talk of even-chan 's funny without complaint. Mother, and but say the "Make studying if there is spare time you are listening to such of from'm all tall tales." Defintely interesting than homework. So, I go to the most even-chan of the room when I hear talk of even-chan. That day also, to me after the dinner had heard the tall tales in a room of even-chan. It was a huge animal story. "Yu-kun. Or. Longest snake in the world know somehow" even-chan, heard me so as to open one's eyes because fill the narrow eyes. It is, in even-chan of the habit of when the always funny story, So, I like the look of even-chan. But, today the theme of the story is too little childish. That said, because it is much more interesting and rather than homework, it was decided to have heard the story until you find the mother. "It's a guy or something Anaconda.'re In per African jungle." I wish, "Yu-kun I'm weak in geography. I'm Amazon's Anaconda are. Local people are reading and Sukuriju, this is water snake in Portuguese It means that. To meander too thick long I do Earth's gravity has entered the water become a burden. " and "Do not hate you encounter in swimming. It's would be swallowed likely." "Yes. really human softening easily swallowed would.'ll I will swallow Even horses alive. " talk of even-chan always suspicious. I am I have thought that I should scree interesting. "That's probably a lie. Because horseback is to much higher than human beings, and I read in the book of something I some weight Even usually five hundred kilometers. Anaconda is much greater with such a big mouth to say can not be opened will. Impossible. " "impossible Ne Ku not do it by." even-chan was the strange words. It does not not mean swallow and open as it is the large the horse standing ". First, bite around the neck of the horse to upset the horse. Then go broke snapping the Umanoashi bones wrapped around the body of the horse. As easy to swallow and I wish I'm going to round the whole. Then, slowly, I go drinking. " truth or I. When I heard the muffled talk of power, it would be likely to be inadvertently incorporated into the world of tall tales of even-chan. But that is suspiciously is still funny. "Yu-kun. Amazon animal'm all big. It'll have the catfish also big is. Which much he I think?" was it because anyway you know talk to that I also come out big. "Yeah. Well one meter!" "Buppu." Though seems cues off, it's Marukkiri children treatment. "I in the Amazon there are normally three meters of catfish." "Usodaa. isnt." It was truly pissed. I do have mistaken about my elementary school children. "It's about a one meter'm not yo. Neck size lie." even-chan has also become narrow eyes. It's eyes are willing to make fun of me. "Bad luck." It was a tepid response since has become somewhat ridiculous. "Oh, I believe would not. So in Gara changed, you can either try to talk of clean and small universe." even-chan has been changed the strategy of the story. Story of the universe likes. For example, whether there is a result in the universe, star of story Toka with double sun Toka. However, talk of even-chan, was the story of the universe in the earth. "To the North Pole, it's. Ice Planet is said among Inuit I can small ice planet when solved once drift ice in one year. Since rarely appear, is a person who saw it that the year good are said to be full there. " "story of something fairy tale or?" "No, I'm a story really. is that happy person who was able to see, small little beautiful ice of the planet that is in the earth. good you'll talk. " "I thought unlikely. I,'s a bath of time." EVEN chan but was likely to talk in a row, so he called in the big mother is put in a bath voice, it was decided to escape it as an excuse. Even-chan, you are licking still nowadays of junior high school students. The next day, on the way to school, I met Yoshii and Imamura of the same class. And I thought to be what to do at first, the horse also huge Anaconda and that would drink, to talk of catfish, which is also three meters was interesting, even talk of ice planet, because I thought Na would be beautiful if it was true, with the Yoshii Ya I had a story to Imamura. Two people can be looked at each other when the end is my story, he said, "Impossible." "I Show me the evidence.". "You know such talk, it'll not believe even in elementary school." It's likely if say so. So, if you go home on the fly over the club, I went to the room of even-chan first and foremost, "yesterday's story, we Show me a picture of the true if the evidence." And said brusquely. Even-chan by the gesture to think a little, and said, "I wish it so.", It is made ​​to crackling eyes. "Failure to Organize this to the photos you've taken soon properly paper baking, I'm thinking. Soshitara and I'll variety show." was disgruntled. Even-chan to such a subterfuge do not like. It is a feeling that my life has been fully teased softening even-chan. We were harmed by the amount you have to talk to Yoshii and Imamura. Yea it failed. It has become a big mouth to me. Then immediately turned to summer vacation, even-chan went on a little longer work than usual. It was to be that a survey of the river in the Kanto region of the country. Since I been fully teased the life, because I no longer go to the room too much even-chan, it did not bear even to care. Summer vacation near the end, that the father and mother are talking came back on the weekend as usual, it came to my ears are in the bathroom. "We, I do not notice quite Since you're in the city of building, from Yukio-kun was going to around the world to young, I guess that you do not notice If we had been in Japan are full visible. Somehow envy Na. "I feel is like mother, it seems drank in unusual beer, it is more intensely become eloquent in than usual. "You have to say that what you easygoing. Yukio is, and forever have seen are you carefree living doing oh well, in no way worried about or not out bad influence on Yuta . For example extreme story, I say not have to work every day even in the adult, if were to go to eliminate the willingness of the study, thinking Nante, How I wonder me to take responsibility. " father that said something Although was like, it was not heard clearly. However, the even-chan is accused by the I feel like a little different is. If you think so, electricity disappeared even-chan of the room has been felt suddenly lonely. Then, to the even-chan also came back to my house, September of the new school year is was around a while began. Face and limbs is turned to black, when it comes to pants one, was troubled Become want to laugh really. Lingering summer heat seemed tough day. I thought I want to hear the tall tales of even-chan for the first time in a long time. Also, good to be teased. Since hot, now I'm feeling that you want to hear talk of a cold country. However, talk of even-chan, but of huge animal, but of hot country, it was not even in the cold country of story. "Because travel expenses is accumulated, it'll come to dizzy in the future or foreign." even-chan said suddenly so. Whether there was such a sense to "But Well a little more.". Even-chan has continued to talk unchanged from the usual. Yet, the voice of even-chan will become more and more distant. If you notice, I had to say bluntly. "It's not good if you go without permission or." even-chan, was at that time a little surprised look. I was out of the room, leaving the even-chan tries to Speak something. Since then, I did not go in again even-chan of the room. My mother, in such us, but had or hurry or amazed, my father did not say anything. At the beginning of October, even-chan had graduated from the "hanger" by a small journey Shitaku. The day of departure, I was standing in front of know what to do, not remain even-chan Say What. Even-chan close to me, laughed at that expression. And what also clenched my hand without saying, with a strong handshake, which muffled the force, and went out of my house in stride. and "Look or not it was just." "hanger" in the front of the room that had gone is, I thought so. I had received a letter I in a little swanky envelope of foreign from even-chan, then was from standing about four months. Rare stamps had been full crawl. "It's a continuation of the story of that time. Previously young, I have a thing that has been living with the Inuit to go up to the Arctic. At that time, I will go to see the ice planet, and it is said to Inuit became friends came to the Arctic Ocean in the canoe. It will ice planet. seen. It's ice planet. I it was really floating in the Arctic Ocean. It 'was beautiful. Only those who have severe natural to live can be in the eyes, and the other one One of Na's universe of me, and I'll I thought. do it height of about building on the ground ten-story. And, the ice in the sea, I want you to also look at someday in more and more big. Yu-kun. a study in young and a lot to, to read the full book,'ll funny when we go out to the world and become full of "wonder my head." The world, fun, sad thing, is full filled with beautiful things. Everyone is hard alive. It's about impossible precisely it. I do want it for yourself. " The letter, strong character of even-chan was chock full. And, photos from the envelope came out two. Huge catfish photo of a piece is there about human times. One the other, floating in the sea in the Arctic, was the ice planet photo of that happy to see person.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"The ice at the planet's uncle called me ぐうちゃん Makoto Shiina stress." Yukio Tsuda, his name at the age of 38. It is he. My mother's brother. You are always my mother angry. By the time of the students like to travel in foreign places, when he came to my house to live. For a long time, and "lazy", "ぐうちゃん soon nicknamed". But lost the odd manI will be happy. My mother was angry to see it again. But this is the excuse of "angry." I say, get a meal is just changing the mother. At my home in the western suburbs of Tokyo, was built by his grandfather. Old house, but can be "lost" means that, while there were six tatami mats, lost in the "lazy". My father is away from home in Sendai, weekend is coming back.Rock, heavy work that needs some relief when I told my dad, he's like to welcome to do so. At the rock, or read the most books in the house when the camera is the only treasure, cleaning and inspection. Not only "lazy", even when away from home in a week or so. To be lost, and when the country is circling the surveying work.Once home to see the back of surveying instruments, but I feel that was very precise telescope. And look into the lens with a full mark in the dial to focus. Just like a pro tools. However, the survey of professional rock is not at home. My mother, a kind of uncomfortable silence as I don't like the style of working. "Good job early independence.You graduated from so called "means". Be angry all the time. The silence of the angry mother, "" Oh, a little bit more. I don't say that. This time, the mother, "I don't like adults lost." And say. Really complain. "But," so ぐうちゃん skin I love my daddy. The story is interesting in favor of it. My mother"Tall tales from the time that I heard was studied." And say, but much more interesting than doing homework. So, when I listen to rock, I usually go to the room of rock. Well, the day after dinner, I heard one of the little bunny room tall tales. The story of big animals.
「 Yu. The longest snake in the world I know? " The rock atAsked to me as his narrow eyes open wide. It is always interesting to talk to ぐうちゃんの habit, so I like the look of my skin. Even today, the story of a little too childish. However, much more interesting than doing homework, and my mother found it is to hear that. That is what they
「 anaconda. About the African jungle. " I
「 Yu you weak in geography.Anaconda is the Amazon. The local people at oblige, this means that the water snake in Portuguese. Too fat to walk for a long time I went into the water in the earth's gravity burden. " I dislike you meet in swimming. So I swallowed. "
「. I really would be easily swallowed. I swallowed up a live horse poo. " At the rock's always weird story.I love you for good.
「 such lies. The horse is much higher than people, what you read or even normal weight is five hundred kilometers. How much will it big Anaconda was not such a big mouth. Could be. " No one can be a
「. " At the strange lost her way.
「 horse is standing gaping don't swallow it.To turn the horse around the first bit of the horse's neck. The horse broke a bone crunching then wound around the body of a horse. As will be easier to swallow you whole. Then, slowly, go. " I wonder at real. Listening to the talk, they are incorporated into ぐうちゃんのほら story in the world. But that he is still interesting.
「 Yu. Amazon's big animals.It is a big catfish. Think how much? " As I look at it I go.
「 well. It's one meter! "
「 ブップー. " At the end, it all seems to be treated like a child. The Amazon is three meters in
「 catfish. "
「 lies. Could be. " With that in mind. You are mistaken about elementary school students and me.
「 don't lie. It's about one meter in size. " Atぐうちゃんはまた became thin. Eyes are willing to make fun of me.
「 well. " It is not because I care about at the answer. Oh, I will not believe. Then, suddenly, let's talk in a small space. " Lost at the change of the story. I like the story of the universe. For example, there is endless space, and the double star is the sun. However, the story of the lost space within the earth story. The Arctic, unto theOnce a year, when the ice melts, which is said to be among the Inuit ice planet can be small. Ice planet. So rarely seen, it is good that it is full. "
「 fairy tale of what are you talking about? " No, I
「 story is true. To those who can see the beautiful little happy planet of ice in the earth. I will talk. " Hey, I can be
「. I take a bath, it's time. " AtI was told by her mother, so called big bath and voice, it is an excuse to escape. The rock is still a lick of junior high school students nowadays. Well, the next day, on his way to school, I met with the same class YOSHII Imamura. At first, I thought I would take a big horse, anaconda, and so the catfish is three meters, the story of the ice planet, I thought I was really clean andYOSHII Imamura in and out of the story. The two ends of the face and I looked at each other, "could be." "Let me see your evidence." Said. "You see, I don't believe it." If I say so. So, and the graduate school at the end of the return home in haste, I was lost in her room, "yesterday, I show some pictures of the real evidence." And said bluntly. As a gesture to think a little lost, "yes." And said,Eyes to the crackling crackling. Photo I ever took it
「 properly arranged in the baking paper, believe me. I'll show you. " An offended. I don't like ぐうちゃんは stall. Daddy what smell in my life all come with it. A loss in YOSHII, Imamura correspondingly. I failed. I had to become a braggart. It is the summer vacation from nowShe lost out to work a little longer than usual. It was to survey of the Kanto region across the river. Since being in my life, lost, go to the room, I didn't care about. Near the end of the summer, has been talking with my father and mother came over the weekend, as always in the bathroom in my ear.
「 we noticed, but is in the city, buildingYukio you out into the world, and we will have a full look, if not in Japan! I think I envy. " At his mother, like drinking beer, but rarely more than usual to speak more intensely.
「 you said something easy. Yukio, and life is so easy to see, I was anxious to Yuta some bad effects.For example, in the extreme, even if not every day, if the work is to study and not to take responsibility for what you do. " At what seemed to be a father, but I couldn't say for sure. However, I feel a little different from the accused, excuse me. I think so, I went out of たぐう electric room suddenly felt lonely. Well, then, also lost in my home, I
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