サウジと日本、お気に入りの風景アラビア半島には5色の沙漠があるという。しかし私は、その中で最も美しいのはサウジアラビアの赤い沙漠だと信じてい翻訳 - サウジと日本、お気に入りの風景アラビア半島には5色の沙漠があるという。しかし私は、その中で最も美しいのはサウジアラビアの赤い沙漠だと信じてい英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Saudi Arabia and Japan, favorite scenesSaid that there are 5 colors of desert Arabian Peninsula.But I believe in the most beautiful red desert of Saudi Arabia. In particular, a noteworthy appearance poles jutting from the sand and smooth running of the landscape compared with the azure sky. The mountains created a strange art spending eons boulders protruding from the Earth and sand stained with reddish-brown iron oxide composition allows, weathered and no dumb rock formations. It is the scenery which I love most. That disconnect repeat the ruins are the nabati who made in sale made in 0/3, in the North of Saudi Arabia and also huge rock formations, made tombs. By the way, landscape I like Japan's snowy winter in the sea of Japan side. White is snow views all around, as if with an ink brush. The world in color, color is different, but similar views of the desert. Snow is somehow reminiscent of sand on one side.Snow snow 4 m; There is something in the desert nomads to confront harsh to people during the harsh winter snow and keep fighting. It's feel the common environment where seemingly contradictory even though the Samurai spirit. Or why the desert and snowy landscape fascinates me, the answer is in here.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Saudi and Japan, favorite landscape

of the Arabian Peninsula there is a five-color desert of.
But I, the most beautiful among them believe that it is the red desert of Saudi Arabia. In particular, figure landscape with rocks protruding and Nyoki' from in the sand that moves with the smooth has in contrast to the azure of the sky, divinely even there. Mountains of rock formations that form and sand stained reddish-brown by the component of iron oxide, a strange shaped the massive rock that was raised from the earth is unexpected say anything weathered over the years. I am the most beloved landscape. Some in Saudi Arabia north, ruins that are made ​​in the third century BC around by Nabatai people that Madainsare is also a tomb group was made ​​pulled repeated a huge rock formations.
By the way, I like the Japanese landscape, it is the winter snow country of the Sea of Japan side. Pure white snow wraps all of the scenery, which is like ink painting. The world was steeped in a single color, but color is different, is similar to the views of the desert. Snow of one side is, to somehow recalls the sand of one side.
Snow of the snow country is also to 4m. During the harsh winter, the sight of people who continue to fight with the snow, there is a thing that leads to the nomads to confront the harsh nature in the desert. Here, in spite of the seemingly contradictory environment, we feel a common samurai soul. Why landscape of desert and snow country is fascinated me, the answer is here.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Japan and Saudi Arabia, favorite sceneryIn the Arabia Peninsula and color of the desert.However, I believe that the most beautiful red desert of Saudi Arabia. In particular, in the sands of the gods and the scenery that sticking out of his appearance, and in contrast with deep blue sky, even it is divinely. Dyed in reddish brown sand and iron oxide, shrine from the earth heaved over a long period of weathered strange indescribable design of rock formations in the mountains. I most love the scenery. Saudi Arabia is in the northern part of the site is ナバタイ マダインサーレ BC and who was made by the third century, huge tomb group is made to carry out.By the way, I like the scenery of Japan, the Japan Sea side of the snowy winter. Pure white snow covered all of the landscape, if ink painting. With the world in monochrome, color different, like the desert landscape. The blanket of snow reminds me of why sand.Snow, snow country. During the harsh winter, the snow and the people who continue to fight in the harsh desert nomads to face with nature. Despite the seemingly conflicting environment is common to feel the soul of the samurai. Why is the landscape of the desert and it fascinates me, the answer is here to stay.
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