This time, we are in the world of Japanese companies to work for in a contract or agreement on the purchase of the file system and Japanese companies in Japan, Japanese, Korean and fraud crime was involved in court could lead to define the term state. Court regarding the criminal was established early in the term, the idea is to escort the prisoners to crime in the countries of the world.The person or people with various crimes such as individual and corporate employees and will make you want to escort the crimes in various countries and the idea of priority to atone for sin or crimes. And who will escort you out in a few days a crime may not be allowed on this series of crimes. Japan domestic us in a difficult language cannot grasp the new place names, such as the position, there are many things.If our country in the world for an offense or errors to the criminals can not in accordance with the consultation was? In this series of fraud crime was to clarify the truth in the world and welcome. Thank you. Please. At