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結果 (繁体字中国語) 1: [コピー]
結果 (繁体字中国語) 2:[コピー]
Change texture<br> Jae-min remembers how he was in love with Marie, who was a vampire. Then Marie revealed herself to others and lived a happy life, but the joy didn't last long when the parents of the students at the school didn't accept Marie who was a vampire, and didn't want Marie to be with others, so Jae-min offered her parents and teachers a special class for Marie and her vampire friends, but then there was an unexpected event when there were classmates who didn't like Marie. The room was shattered and everyone thought it was Marie's. She tried to explain it, but no one believed it. Marie was devastated to think she had troubled her friend. For years, Jae-min spent years searching for Marie, and then he met Marie, but what he saw shocked him was that he realized that Marie had married a vampire and had a child together, so he understood that wamfire and humanity couldn't be together. Jae-min decides to turn around and walk out. There was a kid running into him. When he looked at that boy, Jae-min learned that this boy was a vampire. The boy is cute and has a different shape than humans, so he has no doubt that in the future, vampires and humans may be able to live together. <br>End
結果 (繁体字中国語) 3:[コピー]
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