2012年3月より原木輸送作業を開始し、作業量の増加に併せ設備投資(機材リース)を行ってきましたが、2015年3月から原木の購入条件変更(F翻訳 - 2012年3月より原木輸送作業を開始し、作業量の増加に併せ設備投資(機材リース)を行ってきましたが、2015年3月から原木の購入条件変更(F英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Started lumber transport from 3/2012, along with the increase in the amount of work carried out business fixed investment (equipment lease), but 3/2015 from wood purchasing conditions change (FOB. C & F) of maritime transport work whilst under the influence, could not cover the fixed costs fall into deficit balance became a working retreat inevitable. (Complete in detail is currently under investigation)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Start the timber transport work from March 2012, but has been making capital investment conjunction with the increase of the amount of work (equipment leasing), the sea under the influence of the purchase conditions change of raw wood from March 2015 (FOB⇒C & F) transport work is eliminated, to fall into deficit balance of payments can not cover the fixed costs, work withdrawal became inevitable situation. (Currently under investigation for the whole picture details)
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
From March 2012 start log shipping working capital investment, the increase of the amount of work (equipment lease), but I went to 2015, from March of log purchase conditions are changed to FOB C & F) will not work for marine transportation, fixed costs without cover in the budget deficit has become the inevitable and work. (it will be described in detail in the present investigation.
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