大統領特別補佐官(連絡官)の仕事麻薬の治療をした人についての感想を紹介します。マスメディアを使ってもいいですし、独自の連絡方法で組織全体に伝翻訳 - 大統領特別補佐官(連絡官)の仕事麻薬の治療をした人についての感想を紹介します。マスメディアを使ってもいいですし、独自の連絡方法で組織全体に伝英語言う方法


例えば コカインの中毒者だったが、麻薬の治療をした結果の紹介
例えば 放射能が生まれてくる赤ちゃんに与える悪影響の紹介
例えば 麻薬が生まれてくる赤ちゃんに与える悪影響の紹介
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Special Adviser (liaison officer) of the workLearn about drug treatment.They use the mass media and theYou may tell your entire organization in your own contact.Example of the results was a cocaine addict, drug treatment wasAlso, about the book and article about the world of radiation and drugs and radioPopular ones, it is important also to introduce.For example impact on babies being born radiation introductionFor example introduction of adverse effects in babies born drugIt is useful to exchange information in the world./////////
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Work of the President Special Assistant (contact officer)
we will introduce your impressions about the person who has the treatment of narcotics.
And to May I use the mass media,
there is also be communicated to the entire organization in its own contact method.
For example, It was addicts of cocaine, introduction of the results of the treatment of drug
addition, the papers and books about radioactivity and drugs and radio waves around the world
it is also important to introduce something like the popular.
For example, radioactivity introduction of adverse effects on babies born
introduction of adverse effects, for example, baby narcotics is born
it is effective to information exchange in the world.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Special assistant to the president (contact) jobsDrug treatment in the people's impression.To use the mass mediaYou can tell the whole organization with its own communication method.For example, it was cocaine addict, but as a result of the introduction of drug treatmentIn addition, in every country in the world, and radioactive drugs and radio wave, the present paperIt is also important to introduce what is popular.For example, introduces the adverse effect of radioactivity was come on babyFor example, introduces the adverse effects of drugs which come on babyIt is effective to communicate with the world./////////
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