一通りやってみて、気が付いたこと。違う縛られ方をしている自分。「避ける」事を意識している事に縛られてる。捻り過ぎて目的を見失ってる感覚。「恐翻訳 - 一通りやってみて、気が付いたこと。違う縛られ方をしている自分。「避ける」事を意識している事に縛られてる。捻り過ぎて目的を見失ってる感覚。「恐英語言う方法










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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Try doing it through, I realized that.Not tied, this is their own.Tied to 'avoid' conscious thing.Feeling too much twist, I'm lost.Not from the character feels that "this would probably answer' nothing, want to avoid.But strongly not workmanship too complex for convey, convey their image.Restart from today!Make from scratch! ︎No matter how hard is this zero not zero real.So go ahead try from scratch.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Try doing one street, and I noticed was that. Myself have a different tied the way. it is tied to that you are aware of the "avoid" it. Sense that have lost sight of the purpose past twist. Feel that it is not boring that "perhaps this is probably correct", it did not do it because you want to become personality avoided. But his images do not transmitted by too complex, keenly aware that there is no skill to tell. Restart from today! I make from scratch! ︎ this zero is not a true zero no matter how hard. So let's do from zero to take the plunge.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In general, I noticed that. Too different to be tied to his own. Avoid "

「 I bound to being aware of it. Too much too easily lost the sense of purpose. Feel a little

「 that perhaps this will answer, "because I do not want to avoid character. Too too too complicated and is not transmitted to the image of his skill and not to drive home. Restart from today! At this ︎ I make from zero zero zero is not true, no matter how hard.So, too, as I do from zero.
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