シリアはこのままでは犠牲者が天安門事件の20万人を軽く超えてしまうと私が心配したように軽く超えてしまいました。当時の5倍の25万人を超えてし翻訳 - シリアはこのままでは犠牲者が天安門事件の20万人を軽く超えてしまうと私が心配したように軽く超えてしまいました。当時の5倍の25万人を超えてし英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I fear that Syria is victim 200000 people in Tiananmen Square prodemocracy protests lightly beyondI was lightly exceeded. Than I was five times greater than 250000 people. Building in the picture is 65%.Has been destroyed. Floating heart floating appearance is in the darkness of the tunnel after a spring of the democratic Arab Egypt,In the reality of Yemen, Syria and Libya. In countries such as Afghanistan was expanding rapidly.Looking at the nomination of the United States and currently side fight, might be too late not unknownThere. May be chosen who could say how to do the four unstable countries of the Arab.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Syria, as I was worried this remains in the victim exceeds lightly 200,000 of Tiananmen incident
I have more than lightly. And it has more than 25 million people five times at the time. The building you see in the video is 65 percent
has been destroyed. Arab spring after appearance of mind exhilarated democracy in Egypt, who are in the tunnel of darkness
there in the real Libya, Yemen, Syria. Afghan such country will is was a stretch expansion.
American is when the current horizontal battle watched the presidential primaries, a possibility that is not anonymous people too late now is
there. Unstable possibility that the person who was said to be what to do with four of the country is selected Arab is also considered.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The light will Syria exceeded 20 million victims Tiananmen case exceeding the light. I fear it. I was more than 25 million people, five times the size of that time. In the building is destroyed, don't do 65. Light of heart of democracy in the Arab Spring in the tunnel of darkness, Egypt, Libya Yemen is Syria reality. The Afghan government to expand rapidly. AtNext game is now at the American presidential primaries too late at the possibility of an unknown person. You can select one of the Arab unstable and what to do with the four countries. At
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