姉の結婚式の二次会にBTSの曲を始め、BTSとMonsta XのライブPVを流していました。おかげでとても盛り上がりました。素晴らしい曲とダ翻訳 - 姉の結婚式の二次会にBTSの曲を始め、BTSとMonsta XのライブPVを流していました。おかげでとても盛り上がりました。素晴らしい曲とダ英語言う方法

姉の結婚式の二次会にBTSの曲を始め、BTSとMonsta Xのライブ

姉の結婚式の二次会にBTSの曲を始め、BTSとMonsta X
私は、曲の選択やビデオやカメラ撮影を私の姉に頼まれ 大忙しでした。
私は姉からBTSの特集雑誌をプレゼントにもらいました。凄く良かったです。中にMonsta Xや他のグループも紹介されていました。素晴らしい内容でした。これからも応援しています。今朝、少し雪が降りました。寒いので皆さんお身体に気をつけて 素晴らしい良い1日を!
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
BTS song started my sister's wedding party, BTS and Monsta XThe costumes were live. Thanks to the very exciting. Thanks for great music and dance.I asked my sister, selection of songs, video and camera, really busy.I got from my sister presents BTS special issue magazine. It is really good. Monsta X and other groups was introduced in the. It was great. From this support. This morning, it was snowing a little. Cold so you pay attention to your body and awesome good day!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Including the songs of BTS to the sister of the wedding after-party, BTS and Monsta X
had shed live PV of. It was very exciting, thanks. Thank you for really great songs and dance.
I was busy asked a song selection and video and camera shooting to my sister.
I got to present the feature magazine of BTS from sister. Really it was good. Monsta X and other groups had also been introduced in. It was a great content. We support in the future. This morning, I got off a little snow. Cold because the careful great good day to you your body!
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
My sister's wedding party started, and Monsta X BTS BTSThe shed PV live. Thanks very much. A great song and dance really thank you.I am the song or video camera asked my sister was very busy.I had to BTS magazine special gift from my sister. It is very good. Was introduced, and the other Monsta X group. Great content. Best wishes from this. This morning, it was a little snow. You are so cold to take care the body may be a wonderful day!
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