どうもこんにちは。エルマ族のケムチャといいます。エルマ族の中でも優秀な、ハスーイの末裔ですよ。因みに日本名はジョンです。はいよろしくお願いし翻訳 - どうもこんにちは。エルマ族のケムチャといいます。エルマ族の中でも優秀な、ハスーイの末裔ですよ。因みに日本名はジョンです。はいよろしくお願いし英語言う方法



正直に言います。 ガッカリしました。





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Thank you Hello. Referred to as Elma tribe Kem Cho. In Elma tribe are descendants of Hashi, excellent.Incidentally, John is Japan. Yes thank you.Reached world ranking against kresser's friends and Pokemon came.So Japan's saw various Pokemon.Says to be honest. Was disappointed.Gablias. Kangaskhan. Cresalia to fire lawPokemon were none ever tame city. Only the Pokemon known as so-called chanuppo.I am sad. Than anything else had been poisoned to such chanuppo you are so cuteAnd there, this time to really correct party trying to tell youI have chosen to shed this video to PC! He is a international!In this Pokemon rankings fluctuate and the aggrieved Nivel chanuppo your Pokemon worldWild blood blows wind in Savannah!What is party.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Apparently Hello. It called Elma group of Kemucha. Excellent among the Elma group, is a descendant of Hasui.
By the way Japan name is John. Yes thank you.
This before, and I was out in the world ranking round of the friends of Kuresero and Pokimon.
So we saw a variety of Pokemon in Japan. I say honestly. We were disappointed. Gaburiasu ... Garura ... fire low to Kureseria City of Pokemon who this was also domesticated none ... it does Mase Pokemon city council, which is said to be so-called Shanuppo. I'm sad. Everyone is cute likely that they've been poisoned by such Shanuppo more than anything else there, thinking to try teach you really correct party to this time everyone was to shed the current movies to your computer! The guy is me International! This poke Mon ranking fluctuates, the Pokemon world that has been attacked by Shanuppo Tsukai of Nibura the blood of wild you'll be Savannah wind swept! In it is a party introduction.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hello, thank you. And Shechem in E group. Excellence in E group, ハスーイ descendants. The Japanese name is John. Yes, please. At last, friends and クレセロ of Kimon warfare in world rankings. So a variety of Japanese anime. Cannot tell a lie. It was surprising. Gaburiasu too... Kangaskhan... In the financial, cresselia arrow upAll of our domestic city mon... Only the so-called シャヌッポ Pokemon is not. I am sad. More than anything in the シャヌッポ poison such as you are so lovely, so decided to try to teach you is really thinking at the right and the personal computer to everyone in this video! = International! With this change, but any Kimon ranking in the world at the Pokemon adventures with your knee シャヌッポ braWild blood in Savannah wind will sweep over it! "Party.
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