インドネシアのWEBショップから購入する予定なので、あなたに決めようと思っています。私は日本人です。日本語から英語へ翻訳サイトを使用していま翻訳 - インドネシアのWEBショップから購入する予定なので、あなたに決めようと思っています。私は日本人です。日本語から英語へ翻訳サイトを使用していま英語言う方法








―個数 :Beli 20box (paket jumbo) Rp240.000。

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
It is hoped that Since you will purchase from the web shop of Indonesia, and will decide on you

I am Japanese. Because I use the site translated from Japanese to English, there may be a poorly-written content
For questions, please ask a question.

As an issue, there are many points that you need to transfer.
1. Means for sending you to the product purchase price + postage price.
Do you know "moneygram"? We are planning to use it.

2. Since the sale in Japan amazon, I want to print a receipt.
Do you have the printing means?

3. It is to be purchased from the web shop below, do you know how to purchase?
(If possible, of the means to purchase cheaper other. Please tell me)

4. Could you tell me the address? Because I would like to register as a shipping agency.

5. I think I want you to deliver a test basis the following products.
- Product Name: tissu megic
- Qty:beli 20box (paket jumbo) rp240.000.

I'd like to say about 1-4.
Please consult the part that can not be so will collaborate.
Thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Will buy from the WEB shop in Indonesia, so
would you decide.

I am Japanese. From Japan to English using translation sites, so
may be somewhat cryptic.
Please ask questions about unclear.

Issues are some thing that you need to transfer.
1. Means send your merchandise purchase price + shipping.
"MoneyGram" you know? It is planned to use it.

2. In Japan Amazon receipt to print so you sell.
What type of printing do you have?

3. From following WEB shop is going to buy, how to buy?
( means to other, cheaper stock and let you tell. )

4. You tell us the address? So I think you want to register as a shipper.

5. I'd have to delivery to test products.
--Product name :TISSU MEGIC
-number:Beli 20box (jumbo paket) Rp240.000.

Thank you answers about 1-4.
Please consult the work cannot be so.
Thank you.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Because I am going to purchase it from an Indonesian WEB shop, I intend to decide on

I am a Japanese. Because I use a translation site from Japanese for English, I eat it to understand
, and there may be contents.
About the unidentified point, please ask a question.

The thing that is necessary for transfer for a problem is several points, or there is it.
1. Means to send the article purchase price + postage price to you.
I am going to use this whether I know [MoneyGram].

2. In Japanese Amazon because sell it, want to print a receipt.
I am going to purchase the print means from 3.

WEB shop younger than whether you have it, but do understand the method for purchase;
(please teach it if I know means to lay in stock of cheaply elsewhere.)? )
In what you teach 4. http://www.tokoherbal07.com/

addresses and want to register as an origin of shipment.

5. Want to have deliver the following articles for a test.
- number a - brand name:Beli 20box (paket jumbo) Rp240.000.

I ask for an answer about 1-4.
Because I cooperate, please talk about the part which isn't made.
Thanking you in advance.
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