納骨堂・永代供養墓のニーズは年々高まっています。納骨堂や永代供養墓をご選択される方の声として、従来の墓石を建立するお墓にくらべて、お寺の境内翻訳 - 納骨堂・永代供養墓のニーズは年々高まっています。納骨堂や永代供養墓をご選択される方の声として、従来の墓石を建立するお墓にくらべて、お寺の境内英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Every year needs of the ossuary, Perpetual memorial tomb is growing.
As the voice of those who are and select the permanence memorial tomb and ossuary, as compared to the grave to be erected the tombstone of the past, such as the charnel house that is burial in such precincts of the temple, if it is close to the station house or many voice being able to leave your convenience with confidence high management but also to carry the foot to pray is the majority.

I think there is also charnel-Perpetual memorial tomb of cheap price range and also purchased the price basis, as has led to spread. In addition,Also home to the disappearance of the grave keeper social phenomenon of declining birth rate is high, I raised one of the reasons is selected Perpetual memorial tomb and ossuary.
Now, people to select the permanence memorial tomb and ossuary has been increasing for a variety of reasons like this.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Eitai memorial grave / crypt needs is increasing.
Also manage and secure convenience is near from the station house as ossuary temple and placed in the Tomb erected the traditional tombstone as the voice of the people will be choosing eitai Memorial Tomb or ossuary compared with often, go to the shrine to, we can leave that infects many.

Like eitai Memorial Tomb, crypt on a price affordable price range and connected with the spread. In addition,Given one of the choice too many houses by declining social phenomenon poof Gravekeeper eitai Memorial Tomb or ossuary.
You choose now, eitai Memorial Tomb or ossuary that various reasons have also increased.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
charnel houses and Eitai memorial tomb of the needs are increasing year by year.
charnel houses and Eitai tomb memorial service, please select the one that will be as the voice of the traditional gravestones erected in the tomb may be compared with the temple precincts, such as buried in the Charnel House, the house and close to the station is often also wish to go to convenience and have the peace of mind that can leave many voices.

price affordable for the charnel house band and Eitai tomb Memorial Service may also lead to the more popular to be seen. In addition,Declining Birthrate by social phenomenon that tomb is also home to a large number of stops and the Charnel House and Eitai memorial tomb is selected as one of the reasons.
in this way now, from a variety of reasons and the Charnel House and Eitai memorial tomb, more people are choosing.
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