61~80/26,107件[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ].EU シェンゲン協定の停止検討国際2016年1月27日 11時13分..銃で大翻訳 - 61~80/26,107件[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ].EU シェンゲン協定の停止検討国際2016年1月27日 11時13分..銃で大英語言う方法

61~80/26,107件[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ].EU シ


[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ]
.EU シェンゲン協定の停止検討国際2016年1月27日 11時13分..
銃で大量殺人計画の男逮捕 米国際2016年1月27日 9時38分..
北欧で難民対策可決 非難集中国際2016年1月27日 8時36分..
中国統計局長 重大違反で調査国際2016年1月27日 7時55分..
IS 旅券偽造を「事業化」か国際2016年1月26日 19時37分..
イラン大統領 伊で2兆円商談国際2016年1月26日 17時27分..
北欧 難民財産没収検討広がる国際2016年1月26日 14時39分..
南極単独横断 成功目前で死亡国際2016年1月26日 12時21分..
タイの漂着物 H2ロケットか国際2016年1月26日 11時55分..
15歳難民が職員を刺殺 北欧国際2016年1月26日 10時56分..
ドッジボールはいじめ?米では国際2016年1月26日 9時54分..
一人っ子政策 責任問い国提訴国際2016年1月26日 9時29分..
米本土の核攻撃可能 北が声明国際2016年1月26日 8時8分..

サウジ大使館襲撃で100人逮捕国際2016年1月25日 19時5分..

南米暑い 地面で目玉焼き完成国際2016年1月25日 13時16分..

シリア軍 北西部の要衝奪還国際2016年1月25日 13時3分..

IS 仏テロ「実行犯」映像公開国際2016年1月25日 12時30分..
「アンネの日記」独で映画化国際2016年1月25日 11時17分..
米 豪にそうりゅう潜水艦促す国際2016年1月25日 11時15分..
前NY市長が大統領選出馬検討国際2016年1月25日 11時4分


[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ]
.前NY市長が大統領選出馬検討国際2016年1月25日 11時4分..

黄金マスクひげ修理8人起訴へ国際2016年1月25日 10時48分..

米混乱 NYは史上2番目の積雪国際2016年1月25日 9時55分..
イラン 日本への原油輸出延長国際2016年1月25日 8時42分..

台湾寒波 寒さ原因か58人死亡国際2016年1月25日 8時0分..

不明マレーシア機?タイに残骸国際2016年1月25日 5時44分..

米東部で記録的積雪 19人死亡国際2016年1月25日 0時18分..

失踪の香港作家 中国で面会国際2016年1月24日 21時1分..

台湾でも積雪 見物に市民殺到国際2016年1月24日 17時59分..

拘束男性にざんげ強要か 中国国際2016年1月24日 15時19分..
台湾 国民党の巨額資産にメス国際2016年1月24日 13時10分..

カナダ学校襲撃 容疑者は17歳国際2016年1月24日 12時29分..

米東部で記録的積雪 17人死亡国際2016年1月24日 11時6分..
米軍 シリア北東に空軍基地か国際2016年1月24日 9時44分..
米東部沿岸で大雪、10人死亡国際2016年1月24日 4時17分..

中国 イランの高速鉄道に資金国際2016年1月23日 22時15分..

カナダ学校乱射 容疑者10代か国際2016年1月23日 20時23分..

世界遺産「密室審査」見直し国際2016年1月23日 18時1分..

調味料にケシ 中国で35店摘発国際2016年1月23日 17時27分..
(CNN) 中国の国家食品薬品管理当局は23日までに、アヘンの原料となるケシの成分を麺、シチュー、焼き魚や鶏の唐揚げなどに使って供していたとして料理店計35店を摘発し、うち5店を訴追したと報告した。





難民船遭難 子供含む46人死亡国際2016年1月23日 15時10分


[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ]
.中国崩落 1カ月ぶり4人救出へ国際2016年1月23日 14時59分..
米 記録的な大雪で混乱続く国際2016年1月23日 13時0分..

学校で銃乱射4人死亡 カナダ国際2016年1月23日 12時15分..

北朝鮮 米国人大学生を拘束国際2016年1月23日 4時58分..

偽くまモン 中国当局が初摘発国際2016年1月22日 22時24分..

安倍首相 今春非公式に訪露国際2016年1月22日 22時18分..

毒殺事件の報告書 闇浮き彫り国際2016年1月22日 20時1分..

消えた女性遺体 米で賠償訴訟国際2016年1月22日 17時20分..
サイボーグ兵士 米軍開発中国際2016年1月22日 16時52分..
韓国 北除く5カ国協議を提唱国際2016年1月22日 16時26分..
自宅プールにワニ 米住民仰天国際2016年1月22日 14時57分..

中国 中東諸国に6兆円超融資国際2016年1月22日 14時36分..

対IS 米軍がアフガンでも空爆国際2016年1月22日 14時30分..

米中緊張 軍事衝突の回避策は国際2016年1月22日 11時36分..

米 ビザなし入国の条件厳格化国際2016年1月22日 11時15分..

米軍のF16が墜落 アリゾナ州国際2016年1月22日 9時27分..
襲撃関与4人拘束 パキスタン国際2016年1月22日 9時0分..

慰安婦像、釜山でも設置計画国際2016年1月22日 8時42分..

毒殺 露大統領承認に捏造の声国際2016年1月22日 7時53分..

妊婦は渡航注意 南米で小頭症国際2016年1月21日 22時45分

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
61-80 / 26, 107 views[ Previous 20 results | Next 20 results].Of the EU Schengen Agreement stopping a study international 1/27/2016 11:13..Gun planned mass murder man arrested U.S. International 1/27/2016 9:38..In the Nordic region's refugee measures passed blame intensive international 1/27/2016 8:36..China Statistics Bureau critical violations at research international 1/27/2016 7:55..IS Passport forgery "commercialization" or international 1/26/2016 19:37..Iran President Italy with opportunity international 2046 年 4 月 26 日 17:27 2000000000000 Yen..Spread the Nordic refugee property forfeiture study international 1/26/2016 14: 39 pm..Antarctic solo crossing success imminent death international 1/26/2016 12:21...Flotsam and Jetsam H2 rocket for Thailand or international 1/26/2016 11:55..15-year-old refugee stabbed the official Scandinavian international 1/26/2016 10:56..The dodgeball bully? international 1/26/2016 9:54 with us..One child policy responsibility contact country sued international 1/26/2016 9:29...Nuclear attack North of the Mainland's statement international 1/26/2016 8:08..Saudi Embassy RAID with 100 people arrested international 1/25/2016 19:05..Completion of fried baked in the hot South American ground international 1/25/2016 13:16..Syria forces Northwest hub rescue international 1/25/2016 13:03..IS-Buddha run bomber video public international 1/25/2016 12:30.."The diary of Anne Frank" Germany's film adaptation of international 1/25/2016 11:17..In the United States and Australia so international submarine urge international 1/25/2016 11:15..Former New York City Mayor's presidential election horse study on international 1/25/2016 11:0481-100 / 26, 108 views[ Previous 20 results | Next 20 results].Former New York City Mayor's presidential election horse study on international 1/25/2016 11:04..Golden Mask beard repair eight indicted for international 1/25/2016 10:48..U.S. chaos New York ever second snow international 1/25/2016 9:55..International 1/25/2016 8:42 extension crude oil exports to Iran Japan..Taiwan "a cold chill caused 58 deaths international 1/25/2016 8:00..Malaysia plane? in Thailand remains international 1/25/2016 5:44..In the Eastern United States record snow 19 people killed international 1/25/2016 18..Artist Hong Kong S.A.R. of China's access to international 1/24/2016 21:01..To see the snow city Stampede in Taiwan International 1/24/2016 17:59..Captive male zange-extortion or China International 1/24/2016 15:19..Taiwan KMT's huge assets to the Metz international 1/24/2016 13:10..Canada School assault suspect, 17-year-old international 1/24/2016 12:29..In the Eastern United States record snow cover 17 people killed international 1/24/2016 11:06..Syria Northeast U.S. air force base or international 1/24/2016 9:44..On the U.S. East Coast snow, 10 people died-international 1/24/2016 4:17..High speed railway of China Iran to finance international 1/23/2016 22:15..Canada-school shooting suspect teenagers or international 1/23/2016 20:23..World Heritage site behind closed doors examination review international 1/23/2016 18:01..調味料にケシ 中国で35店摘発国際2016年1月23日 17時27分..(CNN) 中国の国家食品薬品管理当局は23日までに、アヘンの原料となるケシの成分を麺、シチュー、焼き魚や鶏の唐揚げなどに使って供していたとして料理店計35店を摘発し、うち5店を訴追したと報告した。調査で、ケシの使用でモルヒネやコディンなどの成分が検出されたという。ケシを添加物として用いることは2013年から禁止されている。同局は地方当局に対し監視態勢を強めることを求めた。ケシの粉末を料理に使うことは中国内で珍しいことではない。ただ、調味料として使われた料理が中毒性に実際につながるのかどうかは不明となっている。同国では2014年、屋台で固定客の確保を狙ってケシの粉末を麺の中に入れて売っていた26歳の男性が摘発され、10日間拘束された事例があった。摘発のきっかけは、この男性が運転する車両を止め、薬物検査を行ったことだった。男性は捕まる前、麺を食べていた。中国ではこれまで劣悪な食品管理を暴露するスキャンダルが多数発生。14年には供給業者が期限切れなどの肉を米マクドナルドや他のチェーンレストランに引き渡す大規模な不祥事が明るみに出ていた。46 people including refugee ship distress children mortality international 1/23/2016 15:10101-120 / 26, 108 views[ Previous 20 results | Next 20 results].China collapse one month Buri rescued four people to the international 1/23/2016 14:59..American International 1/23/2016 13:00, record-breaking snow chaos continues..School shooting four dead Canada International 1/23/2016 12:15..North United States students restrained international 1/23/2016 4:58...Fake bear Mont by the Chinese authorities is the first international 1/22/2016 22:24..Abe Prime Minister this spring non-official visits Russia international 1/22/2016 22:18..Poisoning incident report dark highlight international 1/22/2016 20 at 1 pm..Female body rice disappeared in liability lawsuits international 1/22/2016 17:20..Cyborg soldier U.S. Army development China when 1/22/2016 16:52...Five countries except North Korea talks up advocacy international 1/22/2016 16:26..Home pool in Croc U.S. residents aghast international 1/22/2016 14:57..6000000000000 Yen-loan to Chinese Middle East International 1/22/2016 14:36..Vs IS U.S. in Afghan air strikes international 1/22/2016 14:30..International 1/22/2016 11:36 U.S.-China tension heightens around..U.S. visa no deposit country conditions stricter international 1/22/2016 11:15..U.S. F16's crash in Arizona international 1/22/2016 9:27..Attacks involved four people captive Pakistan International 2046 年 4 月 22 日 9:00..Comfort woman statue, Busan also established plans international 1/22/2016 8:42..Poisoned Russian President approved the fake voice international 1/22/2016 7:53..Pregnant women's in South America travel notice microcephalic international 1/21/2016 22:45
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
61 ~ 80 / 26,107 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 items ] . EU Schengen agreement of stop considering international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 11 hours 13 minutes .. gun in the mass murder plan of man arrested US International 2016 year 1 month 27 days 9 hours 38 minutes .. Northern Europe in the refugee measures passed blame intensive international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 8 hours 36 minutes .. China statistics Director-General serious violations in the investigation international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 7 hours 55 minutes .. IS passport counterfeiting the "commercialization" or international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 19 hours 37 minutes .. Iran President Italy in the 2 trillion yen negotiations international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 17 hours 27 minutes .. Nordic refugee property confiscation consider wide want International 2016 years 1 month 26 days 14 hours 39 minutes .. Antarctica solo crossing of success imminent in death international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 12 hours 21 minutes .. Thailand of flotsam H2 rocket or international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 11 hours 55 minute .. 15 -year-old refugee is staff the stabbing Nordic international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 10 hours 56 minutes .. Dodgeball bullying ? rice in the international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 9 hours 54 minutes .. one person Tsu child policy responsibility question doctor country sued International 2016 years 1 month 26 days 9 hours 29 minutes .. the US mainland of nuclear attack possible North is a statement international 2016 years 1 month 26 days 8 hours 8 minutes .. Saudi embassy attack in the 100 people arrested international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 19 hours 5 minutes .. South America hot weather have the ground in the centerpiece baked -out complete international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 13 hours 16 minutes .. Syrian troops northwest of recapture strategic point international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 13 hours 3 minutes .. IS Buddha terrorism "perpetrators" video published international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 12 hours 30 minutes .. " of Anne Frank diary" Germany in the film adaptation international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 11 hours 17 minutes .. US-Australia in Ssangyong submarine prompting to international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 11 hours 15 minutes .. before NY mayor is the president elected horse study international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 11 hours 4 minutes 81 ~ 100 / 26,108 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 reviews ] . before NY mayor is the president elected horse study international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 11 hours 4 minutes .. golden mask beard repair 8 people prosecuted to the international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 10 hours 48 minutes .. rice confusion NY is history 2 th of snow international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 9 hours 55 minutes .. Iran Japan to the crude oil export extension international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 8 hours 42 minutes .. Taiwan cold wave cold of cause or 58 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 8 hours 0 minutes .. unknown Malaysia machine ? Thailand to wreckage international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 5 hours 44 minutes .. Eastern in the record snow 19 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 25 days 0 hours 18 minutes .. disappearance of the Hong Kong writer China in meeting international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 21 hours 1 minute .. Taiwan but snow haunts to citizens rush international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 17 hours 59 minutes .. restraint male confession to extortion or China International 2016 years 1 may 24 days 15 hours 19 minutes .. Taiwan Kuomintang of huge assets female international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 13 hours 10 minutes .. Canada school attack suspect is 17 -year-old international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 12 hours 29 minutes . . Eastern in the record snow 17 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 11 hours 6 minutes .. US forces Syria northeast to the Air force base or international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 9 hours 44 minutes .. Eastern coast in heavy snow, 10 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 24 days 4 hours 17 minutes .. China Iranian high-speed rail to fund international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 22 hours 15 minutes .. Canada school shootings suspect 10 generations or international 2016 year 1 month 23 day 20 hours 23 minutes .. world heritage "behind closed doors examination" reviewing the international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 18 hours 1 minute .. seasoning in poppy China with 35 stores caught international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 17 hours 27 minutes . . (CNN) China of the state food and drug Administration authorities are on the 23rd before , opium of the raw materials of the poppy to be a component of the noodles, stew , baked can fish and chicken of fried to Genado use I served as had been cooking store a total of 35 store the caught and , of which 5 store the prosecution and was reported it was . Research in , of poppy used in such as morphine and Kodin component is detected as having been . The poppy additive as use that you are the 2013 from the ban has been . The agency is the local authorities in pairs to monitor posture the strength that Mel asked meta . Of poppy powder the cuisine to use Ukoto is in China in the rare not correct thing . However , seasoning as used was our cuisine is addictive in fact is whether to lead unknown has become . The country in 2014 stalls in the fixed customer of ensuring the 狙poppy I powder the noodles of in the input is in sales had Tsu 26-year-old of the man is caught is , bound for 10 days has been the case there was . Seized opportunity of , this man is driving to vehicle a stop Me , drug testing the line was that was Tsu . Men are catching circle before, noodles the food had base . China so far in the poor of food control the exposure scandal is that many occur. '14 Is the supplier has expired which Lena meat the US McDonald's and other restaurants in the chain pull -out pass to large-scale of scandals is bright in Rumi out had . Refugee ship distress children including free 46 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 15 hours 10 minutes 101 - 120 / 26,108 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 items ] . China collapse 1 month month the first time in 4 people rescued to international 2016 year 1 month 23 days 14 hours 59 minutes .. the US record of heavy snow in the confusion continued Ku international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 13 hours 0 minutes .. school in shootings 4 deaths Canada International 2016 years 1 month 23 days 12 hours 15 minutes .. North American college students a restraint international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 4 hours 58 minutes .. false kumamon Chinese authorities is first caught international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 22 hours 24 minutes .. Abe prime minister this spring informal the visit to Russia international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 22 hours 18 minutes .. poisoning incident of report darkness floating -out Carved Ri international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 20 hours 1 minute .. extinguishing example was female body rice in compensation litigation international 2016 year 1 month 22 days 17 hours 20 minutes .. cyborg soldiers the US military development in the international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 16 hours 52 minutes .. Korea Kitajo rather than 5 mosquito -party talks the proposed international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 16 hours 26 minutes . . home crocodile in the pool US residents consternation international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 57 minutes .. China Middle East countries to 6 trillion yen ultra-financing international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 36 minutes .. pair iS US military is also in the Afghan airstrikes international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 30 minutes .. in tension military conflict the US of the workaround is international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 11 hours 36 minutes .. the US visa-free entry of conditions stricter international 2016 year 1 month 22 day 11 o'clock 15 minutes .. the US military of the F16 is crashed Arizona State international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 9 hours 27 minutes .. raid involved 4 people bound Pakistan International 2016 years 1 month 22 days 9 hours 0 minutes .. comfort women image , Busan But Site planning International 2016 years 1 month 22 days 8 hours 42 minutes .. poisoned Russian President approval to fabrication of voice international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 7 hours 53 minutes .. pregnant women may travel note South America with microcephaly international 2016 year 1 month 21 days 22 hours 45 minutes (CNN) China of the State Food and Drug Administration authorities are on the 23rd before , opium of the raw materials of the poppy to be a component of the noodles, stew , baked can fish and chicken of fried to Genado use I served as was restaurant a total of 35 store the caught and , of which 5 store the prosecution and was reported was . Research in , of poppy used in such as morphine and Kodin component is detected as having been . The poppy additive as use that you are the 2013 from the ban has been . The agency is the local authorities in pairs to monitor posture the strength that Mel asked meta . Of poppy powder the cuisine to use Ukoto is in China in the rare not correct thing . However , seasoning as used was our cuisine is addictive in fact is whether to lead unknown has become . The country in 2014 stalls in the fixed customer of ensuring the 狙poppy I powder the noodles of in the input is in sales had Tsu 26-year-old of the man is caught is , bound for 10 days has been the case there was . Seized opportunity of , this man is driving to vehicle a stop Me , drug testing the line was that was Tsu . Men are catching circle before, noodles the food had base . China so far in the poor of food control the exposure scandal is that many occur. '14 Is the supplier has expired which Lena meat the US McDonald's and other restaurants in the chain pull -out pass to large-scale of scandals is bright in Rumi out had . Refugee ship distress children including free 46 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 15 hours 10 minutes 101 - 120 / 26,108 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 items ] . China collapse 1 month month the first time in 4 people rescued to international 2016 year 1 month 23 days 14 hours 59 minutes .. the US record of heavy snow in the confusion continued Ku international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 13 hours 0 minutes .. school in shootings 4 deaths Canada International 2016 years 1 month 23 days 12 hours 15 minutes .. North American college students a restraint international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 4 hours 58 minutes .. false kumamon Chinese authorities is first caught international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 22 hours 24 minutes .. Abe prime minister this spring informal the visit to Russia international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 22 hours 18 minutes .. poisoning incident of report darkness floating -out Carved Ri international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 20 hours 1 minute .. extinguishing example was female body rice in compensation litigation international 2016 year 1 month 22 days 17 hours 20 minutes .. cyborg soldiers the US military development in the international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 16 hours 52 minutes .. Korea Kitajo rather than 5 mosquito -party talks the proposed international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 16 hours 26 minutes . . home crocodile in the pool US residents consternation international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 57 minutes .. China Middle East countries to 6 trillion yen ultra-financing international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 36 minutes .. pair iS US military is also in the Afghan airstrikes international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 30 minutes .. in tension military conflict the US of the workaround is international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 11 hours 36 minutes .. the US visa-free entry of conditions stricter international 2016 year 1 month 22 day 11 o'clock 15 minutes .. the US military of the F16 is crashed Arizona State international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 9 hours 27 minutes .. raid involved 4 people bound Pakistan International 2016 years 1 month 22 days 9 hours 0 minutes .. comfort women image , Busan But Site planning International 2016 years 1 month 22 days 8 hours 42 minutes .. poisoned Russian President approval to fabrication of voice international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 7 hours 53 minutes .. pregnant women may travel note South America with microcephaly international 2016 year 1 month 21 days 22 hours 45 minutes (CNN) China of the State Food and Drug Administration authorities are on the 23rd before , opium of the raw materials of the poppy to be a component of the noodles, stew , baked can fish and chicken of fried to Genado use I served as was restaurant a total of 35 store the caught and , of which 5 store the prosecution and was reported was . Research in , of poppy used in such as morphine and Kodin component is detected as having been . The poppy additive as use that you are the 2013 from the ban has been . The agency is the local authorities in pairs to monitor posture the strength that Mel asked meta . Of poppy powder the cuisine to use Ukoto is in China in the rare not correct thing . However , seasoning as used was our cuisine is addictive in fact is whether to lead unknown has become . The country in 2014 stalls in the fixed customer of ensuring the 狙poppy I powder the noodles of in the input is in sales had Tsu 26-year-old of the man is caught is , bound for 10 days has been the case there was . Seized opportunity of , this man is driving to vehicle a stop Me , drug testing the line was that was Tsu . Men are catching circle before, noodles the food had base . China so far in the poor of food control the exposure scandal is that many occur. '14 Is the supplier has expired which Lena meat the US McDonald's and other restaurants in the chain pull -out pass to large-scale of scandals is bright in Rumi out had . Refugee ship distress children including free 46 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 15 hours 10 minutes 101 - 120 / 26,108 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 items ] . China collapse 1 month month the first time in 4 people rescued to international 2016 year 1 month 23 days 14 hours 59 minutes .. the US record of heavy snow in the confusion continued Ku international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 13 hours 0 minutes .. school in shootings 4 deaths Canada International 2016 years 1 month 23 days 12 hours 15 minutes .. North American college students a restraint international 2016 years 1 month 23 days 4 hours 58 minutes .. false kumamon Chinese authorities is first caught international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 22 hours 24 minutes .. Abe prime minister this spring informal the visit to Russia international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 22 hours 18 minutes .. poisoning incident of report darkness floating -out Carved Ri international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 20 hours 1 minute .. extinguishing example was female body rice in compensation litigation international 2016 year 1 month 22 days 17 hours 20 minutes .. cyborg soldiers the US military development in the international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 16 hours 52 minutes .. Korea Kitajo rather than 5 mosquito -party talks the proposed international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 16 hours 26 minutes . . home crocodile in the pool US residents consternation international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 57 minutes .. China Middle East countries to 6 trillion yen ultra-financing international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 36 minutes .. pair iS US military is also in the Afghan airstrikes international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 14 hours 30 minutes .. in tension military conflict the US of the workaround is international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 11 hours 36 minutes .. the US visa-free entry of conditions stricter international 2016 year 1 month 22 day 11 o'clock 15 minutes .. the US military of the F16 is crashed Arizona State international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 9 hours 27 minutes .. raid involved 4 people bound Pakistan International 2016 years 1 month 22 days 9 hours 0 minutes .. comfort women image , Busan But Site planning International 2016 years 1 month 22 days 8 hours 42 minutes .. poisoned Russian President approval to fabrication of voice international 2016 years 1 month 22 days 7 hours 53 minutes .. pregnant women may travel note South America with microcephaly international 2016 year 1 month 21 days 22 hours 45 minutes

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