Only it does not take the twitter and sleep time a little, but as long as the lonely, I go out future today. Also wonder if so rainy ☂ ... today back yesterday? ? ~ Na Ya's, because the short sleep time, when reared its ugly much less perfectionism is head also, as when it is in front of the way of the way and negligent sloppy work of unrefined tail work of music noise of feelings The worrisome very bad is, and then irritated. Even at work in music at work, all rhythmically clean and well-balanced, want a mimetic Uruwashiku, I myself also want to be so. And cunning, I think frequently Deaeru to smile Hagan has been the joy of those who contact. Wholeheartedly, it becomes only the opponent, if more than hope that desired by the other party Sessure (than expected), so able pleased really very, also here directed the smile will be very happy. Because it is, I and your valuable and pleasant to such expressionless queer the temporary hospitality, disturbed stand to interrupt between me like a mechanical language like in Rayleigh correctly very belly, it was me butchery dare atmosphere ! ! And it is the equivalent of resentment in my mind. Although such should be the everyone their work on their own ... Why, dare whether intervening people work, to me it is incomprehensible. You are welcome to the minute, which is assisted by the same rhythm and atmosphere, but ..., and No as depressed in the shoes rhythm nor atmosphere regardless, butchery Na intervention is a big nuisance rather than only the unnecessary hindrance rather than aid. Because the rhythm is disturbed by being interposed, and confused moments, although ticks again rhythm, decreases the efficiency in proportion. It is now no time to go out time. Reply a while? Although it is only take such unlikely time of correspondence, correspond to those of all even if it becomes always late, please wait whether patiently. So, today is also enthusiastic to learn and to work while I pleasure. See you. ByeBye ($ ··) / ~~~