ボラティリティ・インデックスは、「VIX指数」や「恐怖指数」とも呼ばれ、シカゴ・オプション取引所(CBOE)が、S&P500を対象とするオプ翻訳 - ボラティリティ・インデックスは、「VIX指数」や「恐怖指数」とも呼ばれ、シカゴ・オプション取引所(CBOE)が、S&P500を対象とするオプ英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The volatility index VIX index or "fear index" also known as, Chicago Board of options exchange (CBOE) is S á index calculation and publication by the volatility of the options trading to P500 (30 days) original. In volatility and that the degree of fluctuation of stock price ( movements ), a severe stock price numbers higher.

Volatility index, is used as a number indicating the investors ' psychology in GeneralThe higher this number investors have uncertainty uncertainty over. Tend to tend to be generally from 10 to remain among the 20, but uncertainty over the great anxiety when significant increase in this number is. For example, rises in the global financial crisis originated in 10/2008, stock market crash, to this index more than 70 temporary and ran big tension in the market.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Volatility index, which is also referred to as "VIX index" or "fear index", Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), is calculated and published on the basis of the volatility of options trading that target the S & P500 (30 days) is an index. The volatility and, by the degree of (price movement) fluctuations in the stock price, the number, the higher the stock price to the severe price movements. It is volatility index, which is used as a numerical value indicating the investor sentiment in general, investors and have the uncertainty in the future of the market higher the number. Normally, it is possible to change between 10-20 are often, but when a large anxiety occurs in the future of the market, there is a tendency that the number is greatly increased. For example, in a global financial crisis that occurred in October 2008, stock market crash cause, this index rises to more than 70 temporary great tension ran to market.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
VIX developed by volatility index, called "index" and "fear gauge", Chicago options exchange, CBOE mullet options for S & P 500 volatility index (30 days) is calculated in the former publication. And the volatility of stock price fluctuation, the fluctuation of the degree of value, so that the stock price volatility. Well developed by volatility index, investors in the psychology and theTo have a sense of uncertainty to the value as high as investors in the market. Usually, the transition between 10 and 20, in the market caused great anxiety, there is a tendency that this number is greatly increased. For example, in October 2008, the global financial crisis, the stock market crashed, the index rose by over 70, large tension Marquette running.
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