添付は宿泊先です。東京のホテルでは安いホテルを見つけたつもりです。また、ホテルはどこも高層ビルです。その中でも低層フロアを指定しました。料金翻訳 - 添付は宿泊先です。東京のホテルでは安いホテルを見つけたつもりです。また、ホテルはどこも高層ビルです。その中でも低層フロアを指定しました。料金英語言う方法





ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Where to stay is attached. I'm finding Tokyo hotel offers cheap hotel.Also the hotel is where high rise buildings. Also in that low was given the floor layer.Rate is 1/30-2 total is Japan ¥ ¥ 152700 and stayed for 9 days in 2 / 8 check out.Also, hotels near Narita Airport, Japan Yen in total in 1 night 2 persons will be ¥ 13100.Do you this it is fine?If wrong, please say.You can find other works still cancelled.Requesting in the lower floors.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Attached is the accommodation. I tried to find a cheap hotel in Tokyo hotel.
In addition, the hotel where is also a high-rise building. You have specified a low-rise floor among them.
Prices will be the 1 / 30-2 / 8 stayed checked out in 9 days Japanese yen at the two people a total of ¥ 152,700.
In addition, hotel near Narita Airport, will be ¥ 13,100 in total Japanese yen at two people per night.

Please say if any inconvenience.
Since the effectiveness is still cancel it can look for other.

A low floor in that you have requested.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hotel is attached. Hotel Tokyo will find a cheap hotel.The hotel high-rise buildings everywhere. Appointed as a lower floor.Rate 1 / 2 / 8 / 30 to check out a total of nine days 2 at the Japanese yen., 152 becomes.The hotel near the airport, one Japanese yen in total., 13 becomes 100.Is that all right?It is said that problem.You can find other work will still be cancelled.It requires a low floor.
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