新規事業プロジェクトに対して、企業や起業家が必要とする事業資金を支援調達致します。  企業・起業家の資金調達ニーズと海外投資家(ベンチャーキ翻訳 - 新規事業プロジェクトに対して、企業や起業家が必要とする事業資金を支援調達致します。  企業・起業家の資金調達ニーズと海外投資家(ベンチャーキ英語言う方法










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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
新規事業プロジェクトに対して、企業や起業家が必要とする事業資金を支援調達致します。 企業・起業家の資金調達ニーズと海外投資家(ベンチャーキャピタル・投資ファンド・機関投資家・個人投資家)の資金提供ニーズが合致すれば投資が行われ、企業・事業内容の段階に応じて設備投資や開発資金等、前向きな企業の成長のために支援させていただきます。 個別事業内容を厳正に審査しながら、ヒアリングや綿密な打ち合わせを繰り返し、あなたの事業を広く・深く展開出来るようサポートさせていただきますのでどうぞご期待下さい。 ただし、投資金額が高額でもビジネスモデルが軟弱である場合はお引き受け出来ない事もあり、反対に事業規模が小さく、投資金額が少額な場合は、事業が途中で失敗に終わる可能性もございます。 その場合も同様に適宜修正アドバイスを行いながら、こちら側から事業規模の拡大や投資金額の増額をご提示させていただきます。 事業規模が大きく、またそれに準ずる投資金額が高額な時は、海外IPOやM&Aに繋げて行く方が望ましい場合がございます。 *海外IPOやM&Aのご支援も同時にコンサルティング致します。 投資資金の用意だけでなく、世界規模での買い手や地域の選定及びグローバルマッチングを行いながら、あなたの事業を成功へと導きます。 今後も進むと予想される円安により、海外投資家は日本国内の企業や事業内容に積極的に投資先を選定しているので、独占権の強い事業プロジェクト、高額の売買情報をお持ちのオーナー様や企業、起業家の方はぜひご連絡下さい。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
For new business projects, it will help raise business funds needed by companies and entrepreneurs. Financing needs of companies and entrepreneurs and foreign investors is performed investment if the match is funding needs of (venture capital investment fund and institutional investors and individual investors), equipment, depending on the stage of companies and business investment and development funds, will be support for the growth of forward-looking companies. While examination to strict individual business, repeat interviews and in-depth discussions, we will support so that your business widely, can be deeply deployment because please please expected. However, the business model investment amount is even expensive if a soft is may not be able to undertake, opposite a small business scale, if the investment amount is small is, there is a possibility that ends in failure in the middle of business. While performing the appropriate correction advice Similarly, in the case, we will present the increase of expansion and investment amount of business scale from this side. Large business scale, also when investment is high that conforms to it, there are times when it is desirable that it will lead to the overseas IPO and M & A. * Your support of overseas IPO and M & A also do consulting at the same time. Not only ready for investment funds, while performing the selection and global matching of buyers and regions on a global scale, it will lead your business to success. By the weaker yen, which is expected to also advance the future, foreign investors because it is selected aggressively invest in Japan companies and business, strong business project of exclusive rights, you have an expensive purchase and sale information owners and businesses, who entrepreneurs certainly please contact.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
To the new business projects, enterprises and entrepreneurs and business support to raise funds. The financing needs of enterprises and entrepreneurs at overseas investors, venture capital investment fund, institutional investors and individual investors and investment) is fitted to the funding needs, according to company business development and investment funds must be positive in order to support business growth. In the strict examination, while the contents of individual business at.Repeated in-depth interviews and arrangement, your business will deeply and widely supported that will please expect. However, even if at at at the high amount of investment in the business model of soft and can do, but it will do so, the business scale is small, on the other hand, when a small amount of investment, the project in the middle of the possibility of failure. At the case that at the appropriate adjustments to the same adviceFrom this side to be presented to the expansion of business scale and increase the amount of investment. At that, at the business scale and the high investment amount of time, and if it is desirable to IPO M & A go together. I will support and consulting at
* IPO M A abroad and at the same time. Not only is prepared at the investment of funds, while on a global scale and regional and global matching, buyers will lead you to your business success. At at.Due to the weak yen is expected in the future, overseas investors and business contents in Japanese companies are actively to portfolio selection, because of strong monopoly business projects, business owners and you have a large amount of information, how to contact entrepreneurs please. At
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