サラソタは、フロリダ半島西海岸にある小さな美しい街で、白い砂浜とサンセットで有名なビーチ。マイアミにも美しいビーチはあるが、メキシコ湾の海は翻訳 - サラソタは、フロリダ半島西海岸にある小さな美しい街で、白い砂浜とサンセットで有名なビーチ。マイアミにも美しいビーチはあるが、メキシコ湾の海は英語言う方法


フロリダ西海岸へ出かけるときは、I-75 Highwayで出かける。

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In a small beautiful town in the Florida Peninsula west coast, Sarasota, beach, famous for its sunset and white sandy beaches.
Is there a beach in beautiful Miami, but the sea of ​​the Gulf of Mexico in emerald green, and a blue Atlantic Ocean, attraction be different, to
everywhere favorite.
When you go out to the Florida west coast, to go out in the i-75 highway.

Landscape of the best to deploy the setting sun was about to tilt in the Gulf of Mexico emerald green shines.
It is possible to enjoy without reserve the sunset over the sea.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sarasota's beautiful small town Florida peninsula West Coast with white sandy beaches and Sunset Beach.
The beautiful beach in Miami in emerald green sea of the Gulf of Mexico,
even where different proceed with Atlantic blue, Favorites.
Going on I-75 Highway when heading out to the Florida West Coast.

Put tilt on emerald-green Gulf of Mexico sunsets, exquisite scenery unfolds.
You can enjoy the sunset over the sea understated.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The beach that is famous for a sandy beach and the sunset which are white in the small beautiful town where there is Sarasota in the Florida Peninsula West Coast.
There is the beautiful beach in Miami, but, in the sea of the Gulf of Mexico, proceeding is different from the blue Atlantic
in emerald green forever; and a favorite.
When I go to the Florida West Coast, I go out in I-75Highway.

The setting sun which was about to incline to the Gulf of Mexico of the emerald green shines, and highest scenery unfolds.
I can enjoy the setting sun setting in the sea without reserve.
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