メディアと上手に付き合うために池上彰 海外で大きな地震が起きると、壊れた建物や建物の下じきになった人の救出作業の映像がテレビで流れます。この翻訳 - メディアと上手に付き合うために池上彰 海外で大きな地震が起きると、壊れた建物や建物の下じきになった人の救出作業の映像がテレビで流れます。この英語言う方法

メディアと上手に付き合うために池上彰 海外で大きな地震が起きると、壊れ



ソース言語: 日本語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
To interact successfully with the mediaIkegami Akira Picture who became a big earthquake will happen overseas, and broken buildings and buildings of rescue work runs on television. Looking at such pictures, and "it's a great tragedy. Surely this country is in trouble. "And I will. However, when actually carried out in the country, and great damage was just region have come up on the TV. Otherwise, almost no influence, often that it had conducted a normal daily life. Do not lying because television footage, reflect the actual situation. We have seen the footage, but unconsciously, "this country is great. "And thinks it is. We are surrounded by a variety of information, are living. Information that may be obtained through television, radio, newspapers and magazines, books, and Internet, etc. Means of communication give us information that is referred to as the "media". Take advantage these media information, would lead to unexpected failure is as soon as we receive more. では、私たちは、メディアとどう付き合っていけばいいのでしょうか。付き合うためには、相手のことをよく知らなければなりません。そこで、現代のメディアで代表的なものであるテレビ、新聞、インターネットの特徴を考えてみましょう。 まずはテレビです。テレビの映像には、実にたくさんの情報が詰まっています。例えば、ある地方でりんごの収穫が始まったという中継放送があったとしましょう。テレビ局としては、今年のりんごの出来具合などを伝えたいのでしょうが、テレビを見ている私たちには、その地方の天気の様子まで目に飛び込んでくることがあります。画面に出てくるリポーターの服装で、寒いか暖かいか推測もできます。インタビューに応じる人の話から、その地域の方言を知ることもできるでしょう。伝える側のねらい以上のものが伝わるのです。 大きなニュースが発生すれば、いち早く知ることができるという点でも、テレビの力は圧倒的です。中継であれば、今起きていることを知るという同時性の点でも優れたメディアです。 そのいっぽうで、テレビ番組は、なんでもそのまま放送するというわけにはいきません。必ず「編集」という作業が伴います。例えば、先に挙げた地震の被災地からの映像に関しては、地震の被害がなかった地域のことは後回しになります。その結果、大きな被害の映像ばかりが伝えられ、見ている私たちは、その国全体が壊滅的な被害を受けていると誤解することがあります。 テレビの番組は、取材・制作者によって必ず「編集」されているのだということを念頭に置いて、見るようにしましょう。 編集されているという点でいえば、新聞も同じです。新聞記者が取材し、編集者が紙面を作ります。新聞記者が、どこに注目して取材するかで、記事の内容は大きく変わってきますし、編集者の扱いしだいで、大きな記事になったり、目立たない扱いになったりします。また、あまり大きなニュースがなかった日は、普段なら大きく扱われないニュースでも一面トップになることがあります。紙面で大きく扱われているからといって、本当に「大きなニュース」とは限らないのです。 いっぽう、長所として、新聞は、紙のページをめくることで、さまざまなニュースを一度に知ることができます。ひと目で全体がわかるという「一覧性」があるのですね。さらに、テレビでは時間の制約があって詳しく伝えられなかった内容も新聞では解説されています。じっくり読むことで、そのニュースに詳しくなれるのです。テレビでは、録画しなければ消えてしまう内容も、新聞ならいつまでも取っておけます。 情報を早く知り、内容を保存しておけるという点では、インターネットが優れています。新聞の印刷・発行を待たずに内容を知ることができますし、パソコンの画面を保存したり、紙に印刷したりすることも可能です。 インターネットは、誰でも気軽に情報を発信することができるメディアです。それ自体はすばらしいことなのですが、インターネットに流れる情報も、発信する人や組織によって編集されています。悪意をもった人が虚偽の情報を流すことも容易です。悪意はなくても、思い込みで誤った情報を伝えてしまうかもしれません。つまり、内容が玉石混交のメディアなのです。ということは、そこに出ている情報がどれぐらい確かなのか、受け手として、一つ一つを確認し、自分で判断しなければなりません。まさに受け手の力が最も問われるのです。 私は、テレビを見ながら、「この番組の編集者は、どんな意図をもってこれを制作したのだろう。」と考えるようにしています。新聞の気になる記事はスクラップして、後日資料として活用しています。急いで情報を集める必要があるときは、インターネットで大量の情報を収集し、集まった情報を、「玉」と「石」に分けていきます。 テレビも新聞も、インターネットも、それぞれの特性をよく理解したうえで活用すると、とても役に立ちます。が、使う人が自分なりの問題意識をしっかりもって読みこなさないと、メディアに踊らされたり、大失敗をしたりすることがあるという点には注意しておく必要があります。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In order to deal wisely and media Ikegami Akira when a large earthquake occurs abroad, broken image of the rescue work of people who became trapped under buildings and building will flow on television. If you see such video, "This is a great disaster. This country is no difference in is supposed to be serious." You would think. However, when I went to actually the country, the major damage came out, only the area that are on TV. Otherwise, there are little impact of the earthquake without any, had been Itonama everyday life that does not change the ordinary, often called. TV footage, because I have reflect the actual situation, it does not mean lying. We have seen the video is, unconsciously, I "This country is very it." They've convinced a. We are living it is surrounded by a variety of information. The information, television and radio, newspapers, magazines, books, you can further be obtained via the Internet. That transmission means that will convey the information to us I called the "media". the information that these media convey, either effectively capitalize, or would lead to failure of unexpected, it is our receipt how soon. So, we, what should I do dating Copper and copper media. In order to mingle, you must be well known that the other party. So, TV is typical in modern media, consider newspaper, the characteristics of the Internet. First, it is the TV. The television of the video, it has clogged indeed a lot of information. For example, let's say there was a relay broadcast that the harvest of apples began in some provinces. The television station, but would want to convey and doneness of this year's apple, to me who are watching TV, you may come jump into the eye until the appearance of the local weather. In clothes of the reporter to come out on the screen, you can also guess you can either cold or warm. From human story to respond to interview, it'll be also able to learn the dialect of the region. more than a side of the aim to convey is that the travel. If big news occurs, in terms of being able to know quickly the power of the television it is overwhelming. If relay, it is an excellent media in terms of simultaneity of knowing that it is happening now. On the other hand, television programs, anything let's not that broadcast directly. Always work of "Edit" entails. For example, with respect to the video from the affected areas of the earthquake mentioned earlier, things were no local damage of the earthquake will be put on the back burner. As a result, only the video of a big damage is transmitted, we have seen, there is that the entire country is to be misunderstood and are subject to catastrophic damage. TV program, place that it is that he is always "Edit" by the interview, the author in mind, let's to be seen. Speaking in terms of being edited, it is the same newspaper. Newspaper reporter interviewed, editors will make the paper. Newspaper reporter, in where to coverage with a focus, to the contents of the article you have changed a lot, in the treatment as soon as the editor, it can become a big article, you can become a treatment that is inconspicuous. In addition, the day was not much big news, it may become one side top in large treated is not news if everyday. And just because you are being treated largely on paper, it is really not necessarily the "big news". Meanwhile, as the advantages, newspaper, and by turning the pages of the paper and can know the various news at once. It is there, "List of" and that the whole can be seen at a glance. In addition, it has also been commentary in the newspaper contents that were not communicated in detail if there are time constraints on television. By reading carefully, it is the details get used to the news. In television, the contents disappear unless recorded, or you put it also took forever and if the newspaper. To know quickly the information, in terms of definitive and save the contents, the Internet is excellent. And then you can know the content without waiting for the printing and issuance of a newspaper, you can save the screen of a personal computer, it is also possible to or printed on paper. Internet is a media that can be anyone originating feel free to information. It itself is of such great thing, but the information flowing through the Internet as well, has been edited by people and organizations that call. It is also easy to people with a malicious flow of false information. If not malicious, it might would convey the wrong information in the belief. In other words, I content is media of mixture of wheat and chaff. The fact that, there on whether the information that has come out that sure how much, as a recipient, check the one by one, must be judged on their own. Exactly what the recipient of force is questioned most. I, while watching TV, "the editor of this program, what intended to have probably been produced it." You have to think that. Article to be worried about the newspaper by scrap, it takes advantage at a later date as a material. When there is a need to collect in a hurry information, to collect a large amount of information on the Internet, the gathered information, we will be divided into a "ball", "stone". TV also newspapers, the Internet also, when you take advantage in helping you have a good understanding of each of the properties, it can be very useful. There, people use is not digested to have a firm awareness of my own, it can be danced to the media, to the point that there is that you or a big failure you must be careful.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In order to better media and Ikegami Akira overseas in a major earthquake, stress, broken quite hidden buildings and buildings of the flows of rescue work in television. This video to see, "this is a great disaster. This must be a great nation is not. " And believe it. However, at the country, the region, the only significant damage on TV. Other than that, almost without the influence of the earthquakeIt is thought that the daily life, and usually does not change often. Television footage of the actual situation, that is, it is not a lie. We have been to see the picture without thinking, "this country." It had been thought. At our life surrounded by a variety of information. Information, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, books,In addition, you can get through the Internet. We hope the media and means of communication that can transmit information. Such information to the media, can effectively connect failed, you get it, how to receive us. At now, we should be going out, and the media will do. In order to go out, you should know better. Therefore, theThe modern media is a typical example of television, newspapers, Internet, let's features. At first, the TV. In television, a lot of information is very tight. For example, suppose you had a relay with the apple harvest began in the country. Television stations and the performance of apples this year, I want to tell you, but we are watching TV, I have to state that the weather will be brought in.With the reporter's clothes in cold or warm or screen, you can guess. From the story of people in an interview, you will probably be able to know the local dialect. To aim at the side of one or more. If that is great news, also can learn quickly, and the power of TV is overwhelming. When the relay is happening now, and know that even in the point of media is excellent. On the other hand, in the TV show
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