あなたがあなたの友達を選ぶとき…。職業で選ばないでください。学歴で選ばないで。お金持ちで選ばないで。有名な人、無名の人で選ばないで。良い人、翻訳 - あなたがあなたの友達を選ぶとき…。職業で選ばないでください。学歴で選ばないで。お金持ちで選ばないで。有名な人、無名の人で選ばないで。良い人、英語言う方法






Facebook の友人の多くがあります。
決して私に会っている多くの人々 があります。

しないでください facebook を利用し、突然彼をブロックされます。

彼にはフェイス ブックで普通までご連絡ください。




ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
When you choose your friends.Do not select the in profession.Select by education level.Rich, without selecting.Select by people famous and unknown.Good people, bad people.Asking questions in your mind when you can.God is in your heart.What is a good person or a bad person?Please contact your God.Have a lot of friends on Facebook.Maybe you are good people and bad people.Many people who have never met me.Do facebook, and suddenly blocked him.In this case, his anger.Follow your will.Please contact the ordinary on face book to him.Does not put him in your House.Please contact the Internet only.If he say me this information asked."I also sent her messages, she is not from this response"If you understand the not getting my info from you, heHe will leave from you.Don't trouble me and to your friends.But it can teach your parents.For me to trouble you wasI am sorry.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
When you have to choose your friends .... Please do not selected in the profession. Do not chosen in Education. Do not chosen by the rich. Famous people, it is not chosen by anonymous people. Good people, bad people. You can ask to your mind when you are in doubt. God is there in your mind. Is a good person or bad person? Please contact your God. There are a number of Facebook friends. Maybe, you are good people and bad people. Never There are many people who have met me. Please do not to use the facebook, you are suddenly block him. In this case, his anger. Are you chasing. Please contact him to normal in the face-book. It does not put him in your house. Please contact the Internet only. If he was asked about this I say. "I also sent her message, she is not from this response" from you he is, if you understand that it is not obtained my information he will remain from you. Please do not say the trouble with me to your friend. However, it will be able to teach your parents. Were you in trouble for me I'm sorry.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
When you choose your friends. Don't choose a career in. At the academic background is not selected. Not selected in the rich. A famous people, not chosen by an unknown person. A good man, bad man.
can ask questions in your mind. The God is in your heart. I too is bad? Please contact us at your God. There are many friends of Facebook. Maybe you at the good and bad people. AtThere are a lot of people have never been to see me. Facebook don't, he suddenly blocked. In this case, his anger. You will chase. He is too ordinary to Facebook, please contact us. At not put him in your home. Please contact the Internet only. If he at me and say about this. I
「 also sent a message to her, she 」

he is not from this, from your responseUnderstand that I can't get information when he gets out of you. You don't say a friend of my trouble. However, at the same location on your parents. For my trouble was you. I'm sorry. At
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