私は、我々の将来について書きます。ともかく、私はどんなことをしても、いつまでもあなたにお金を送り続けます。正直に言うと。毎週3000ペソ送る翻訳 - 私は、我々の将来について書きます。ともかく、私はどんなことをしても、いつまでもあなたにお金を送り続けます。正直に言うと。毎週3000ペソ送る英語言う方法




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I will write about our future.Well anyway, and what I forever will continue to send you money.And to be honest.Send 3,000 pesos every week is the limit.But please help me to strive for even better living and children's education.First of all, in today's children's education and living environment is very bad, so see our House.Decide when it is in December, I went to Manila.Also, new business Let's study at that time.If you start a business, failure is not permitted.No business is a dream in the play.I also invest substantial money.We will not fail. --For the kids.You must be prepared and determined.And no matter how exhausted you are ordinary must uncover stores.You cannot depend on.Once you start business, cannot turn back.If successful, you lose money.Debt is so much will be.You are ready then?
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I will write about our future.
Anyway, I at any cost, also continue to send you the money forever.
To be honest.
Every week is the limit and to send 3000 pesos.
But, you also, for a better life and education of children, and efforts to, please help me. First, in the now of the house because there is very bad environment and quality of life of children's education, let's borrow our house. It will help you decide when I went to Manila in December. Also, new business Let's study at that time. When you start a business, failure is not allowed. Business, not a dream even in play. I also invested considerable money. We can not fail. - For children also. You must be a determination and considerable preparedness. You, even if tired, no matter how, you must open the store on time. You are not allowed to fawn. Once you start a business, you can not turn back. Once failed, you lose a lot of money. Debt will be so many. Are you the ready?

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I will write about our future. Anyway, at what I do, you will continue to send money. To tell the truth. At the weekly is critical to 3000 pesos. Also, if your children a better life and education efforts, please help me. Well, now the house is so bad that the living environment and children's education environment, let's rent our house. In December it when I decided to go Manila. In addition, tooLet's study in the new business. At the beginning the business, you will not be allowed to fail. The business is not in play. I have no money to invest. At we cannot fail. -- for children. You have to be at will and mind. At you, no matter how tired and must be on time to open the store. You are not allowed to accept it. Start at once, you can't go back business. If you fail,.Lose a lot of money. So much of that debt. That I can?
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