親愛なるニキこんにちはかなりお久しぶりになるけど、私の事覚えてますか?最後に行ったのが10年近く前だから、フィリピンの街も変わったでしょうね翻訳 - 親愛なるニキこんにちはかなりお久しぶりになるけど、私の事覚えてますか?最後に行ったのが10年近く前だから、フィリピンの街も変わったでしょうね英語言う方法





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear NikiGood afternoonDo you considerably it for a long time, but remember that for me?It is the last nearly 10 years has changed so the Philippines city?Prior to go anywhere alone, but now age is worried about going alone took fromBut in mid-February in the Philippines or going, wrote this letter.And not being used to know has anyone, even phone numbers I don't knowBut Niki maybe married and family.?So we cannot ask Niki!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Niki
and I become quite your long time, do you remember me?
Finally, because ten years ago and have went, I would have changed is also the city of the Philippines?
Before that I could go anywhere alone, now are you going alone and because I took old is a worry Thinking of going to the Philippines in the mid But in February, I wrote this letter nobody old acquaintance known contact it is not to, you do not even know the phone number Niki even is probably also have family in maybe get married? So I can not be asked to Niki

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Niki: hello dear at quite a long time. But, do you remember me? At last it was 10 years ago, near the town of Philippines will change? Before I go anywhere alone, but now is about to go from taking one too but in the middle of February Philippines going to write this letter, I was too old to know that nobody knows, I do not know your contact phone number too Niki also probably married families have? AtI cannot ask you to Niki
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