Bridge overlooking the rainbow
cedar Mikiko rain stopped. Overhead clouds off, slight blue sky is excluded. Was placed on the flat to head the handbag, with raised tucked the hem of school uniform pants, boy that was in a hurry to trot, for a while, did not notice that the rain stopped. Than is had been deprived of their mind to thinking. While walking on the sidewalk of black wet asphalt, a small splash splashing in accordance with their own walk, boy, was looking at, such as cares eye. This place, everything, it is not going well. Performance during this period of the test was bad. That mother, Stop it extracurricular activities. And acquainted were friends, I had a falling out from little things. Allowance to buy your favorite CD is not enough. Other, Moyamoya that are not the specific shape, were several. Rain, only to fall feel like to on their own. If you rather wet, and when more and more soaked longer, I think I would rather be Sabasaba. As soon as I tried to step forward to crosswalk of national highway, signal is flashing. Such a thing in your mind is frustrated even, boy was small foot. Behind from a little while ago, have been of small children voice. There was Anna time to myself, and while I think in the mid-absent-minded, vaguely change of the boy's ear that it is waiting for the signal, voice of the children was not even talking silly until now, the suddenly clear meaning has been sounded Become a to have a cry. "I have come up with rainbow." "Nijida, Nijida." In thinking back, and look up at the sky children pointing at straight, oh, I certainly rainbow. Red, yellow, green, line, such as drawn breath in the thick crayons has across the gray sky vivid. Top disappears into the air to dim, below is hidden in the shadow of the building and the forest, it's just part of being seen. The boy, in a fit of unexpected impulse myself, looked around. ── or high place is not, is a place where there is visible all. and had, immediately in front of the eye, is a pedestrian bridge across the national highway. The boy without hesitation, I ran to there. Always, in troublesome wants the up and down the stairs, but was footbridge that never was used Tsuizo. And up the stairs by two-stage, and stand just above the car of flow, rainbow exactly, where it was interrupted in the woods and buildings, has drifted up from the front of the national highway. It caught the railing, and lean forward while stretch a little, to the end from the beginning of this gorgeous bridge, and was able to pass seen at a glance. A little while ago of children, seemed guess the intentions of the boy, went up over a period followed at a later time, has made their own way of cheers. Boy, was a deep breath. This before, it would have had when I saw the rainbow. The children much of childhood ── No, to feel like before much more. Is yourself Maybe now, whether not seen the first rainbow born, boy I thought. The under the eyes, the car of column Yuku flows incessantly. People who pursed the umbrella is, do not look even below the top rush their way. Nobody, unaware of the overhead of event. Or even noticed, do not think anything. Who one person, be stopped, not those views to the drama of this firmament. The boy suddenly, for the first time, I felt in those blessed things myself. "Throne, what to N Daa." it is called from the bottom, and lean, friends should have been falling out is, while brandishing a bag, looking up here as amazed. "Throne, rainbow is visible elephant. Up to Come as." The boy also call back in a loud voice. Friends, to see a glance who pointing at the boy, began to run it as was driven by the same impulse as the boy felt a little while ago. In Ketsumazui on the edge of the sidewalk, and threw the bag, nearly it fell multiplying. "Early early." laughing boy, by shifting the body, leaving a place to see the rainbow in front, waited while stepping to come up friends.