お世話になっております。コンプレッサーの件遅くなってしまいましたがご紹介いただきました日立コンプレッサー佐藤様とやり取りさせていただき下記機翻訳 - お世話になっております。コンプレッサーの件遅くなってしまいましたがご紹介いただきました日立コンプレッサー佐藤様とやり取りさせていただき下記機英語言う方法



付属:エアードライヤー・フィルター類 リザーバータンク


ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
We are indebted.We introduced have been slow for the compressor Hitachi compressor Satoh, and interact with, whats we ordered on the following models.Model: HITACHI,,, OSP-7.5M6AN2(screw type)Accessories: air drayer filter in the reservoirMr. SATO for more information contact us I suppose.1 check that the compressor-not to please your reservoir tank piping can be used.I hope you'll make.Thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

We become indebted to.
I have become slow matter of the compressor, but I was allowed to order in the following models will be exchanged with the whats introduce Hitachi compressor Sato like.

Model: HITACHI ,,, OSP-7.5M6AN2 (screw type)
included: air dryer filter such reservoir tank

more information than Sato like I think that there is contact you separately.

1-point check of How can you sure you want that the piping of the compressor body ⇔ reservoir tank tube is hope in your company.
I think that if you can confirm.
Thank you.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
And a pleasure to work with you.It was a matter of compressor Hitachi compressor was late but I will introduce your order and will have the following models with me.Model: -- HITACHI said OSP 7.5 M 6 AN (screw type)Accessories: bar reservoir tank and filter air dryerI think Mr. Sato more detailed information and contact us.One point is sure that you can ask in your company and the main body of the compressor and the reservoir tank tube piping.I think if you confirm it.Please.
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