親愛なる力強い友人へメールありがとうございました。ぜひ、あなたからのお力添えが必要です。それに対する、あなたからの質問に答えます。1、私はス翻訳 - 親愛なる力強い友人へメールありがとうございました。ぜひ、あなたからのお力添えが必要です。それに対する、あなたからの質問に答えます。1、私はス英語言う方法










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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Powerful friends dearThank you for your email.Take a look at the help from you is required.Answer any questions from you for it.1, I was in Sri Lanka to Japan missles. You want to sell the food dishes to Japan in luxury hotels and upscale super luxury department store, Japan. I'd like to create a hub to create a subsidiary in Sri Lanka, of imports from Japan. You must also establish a logistics base for food delivery to the luxury hotels and high class super and luxury department stores.Essential for savvy local employment and training on the handling of materials and products becomes necessary.In addition, staff should also foster can oversee their executives, can Japan language?.Sri Lanka is no doubt future as a hub in Southeast Asia further increasing amount of human resources and trade, Exchange becomes active.Now in Colombo City Hotel and shopping mall construction plans and will now to suddenly wealthy and foreign tourists.Now, in the world expand many Japan food specialty shops. In Europe France about 1000 in the United Kingdom more than 500 there. Hong Kong S.A.R. sushi bar and restaurant Japan, as many as 900.一般的に並ぶことが嫌いなアメリカ人も虜にしている日本食。ヘルシーで美味しい、高級食で日本食を食べることがステータス、レストランでスタッフの接客が良い、店舗が清潔で綺麗と全世界が注目している日本食。スリランカで日本食を展開していく需要が伸びるのは間違いありません。2、スリランカでの資金援助が必要なわけは、現地での事業を展開するには現地の銀行や出資者に、今回の目的を理解をしてもらわないといけないと思ったからです。スリランカでの日本食ブームを仕掛けるには現地の方々に事業を共感してもらい、納得してもらう事が必要であると同時に、現地の経済効果に貢献出来なければ事業は成功しないと思います。海外からのスリランカに対する印象や、スリランカが今後さらに経済発展するためのブランディングを構築したいから、今回あなたの友人のrodrigoに相談したところ、あなたを紹介してくれました。3, our major companies in Japan is not. Is the President of the small and medium enterprises. Countries that Japan is cold for the small and medium enterprises. To use taxes when the Government was financially troubled companies in the small and medium enterprises does not help. Small businesses borrow at the Bank, but it is also only a little company. Japan smaller companies than large companies quality is high and light footwork is so small it doesn't do investment is real.I'd like to start first thing in the Japanese comprehensive project so we not imitate others. If she would run investment moves immediately. And come out against the country benefited from profit taking naturally confident and sure. I spoke to rodrigo.To do this, financial assistance to take a look at I wish. I went to Sri Lanka in early March, the story you want to pack.Want exchanged by mail and telephone in the meantime, I think.Thank you in advance.Then, tell your name again.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear powerful friends Thank you for your e-mail. By all means, you must have your help from you. Against it, it will answer questions from you. 1, I want to Hayara Japanese food in Sri Lanka. Cooking and using the Japanese food at luxury hotels and upscale supermarkets and upscale department store, I want to sell the Japanese ingredients. Therefore create a local subsidiary in Sri Lanka, we would like to the base building to be a saucer of imports from Japan. In addition, there is a need to establish a logistics base for the delivery of the food to the luxury hotels and upscale supermarkets and upscale department store. To do this, human resources of employment who are familiar with the local is upon essential, education about treatment methods and merchandise of merchandise will also be necessary. In addition, the development of executive candidates that can oversee them also necessary, I want even Japanese can be human resources. Sri Lanka in the future, there is no doubt that the exchange is also increasing the amount of further human resources and trade as a hub base is active in Southeast Asia. Currently, in Colombo city hotel and shopping mall construction has also been planned, it will increase dramatically in the future wealthy and foreign tourists. Currently, we are developing many Japanese food specialty store in the world. In Europe, about 1,000 in France, the United Kingdom there are also more than 500. Such as the Hong Kong sushi restaurant and a Japanese restaurant There is also a review 900. Japanese food to be lined up in general is to hate Americans prisoner. Delicious healthy, it is status to eat Japanese food in a high-level food, good service of the staff in the restaurant, Japanese food store is paying attention is clean and beautiful and the whole world. There is no doubt that expands demand to continue to expand the Japanese food in Sri Lanka. 2, the funds mean you need assistance in Sri Lanka, because the local banks and investors to expand the business in the field, I thought I do not should have him this time of purpose and understanding. To launch a Japanese food boom in Sri Lanka asked to sympathize the business to members of the local, at the same time as it is necessary to convince, I think that business is not successful to be able to contribute to the local economic effect. Impression and for Sri Lanka from abroad, because I want to build a branding for Sri Lanka to further economic development future, was consulted to rodrigo of this time your friend, introduced me to you. 3, it does not have is a leading company in Japan. The president of the small and medium-sized enterprises. Country of Japan is a cold country with respect to small and medium-sized enterprises. Government is when the major companies has been distressed financially helps to use the tax does not do is to small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized companies will rent at the bank, but it is also only for just a little bit of company. Small and medium-sized enterprises of Japan is also the quality is higher than large companies, footwork is also light but reality is not done a quite invested in such small and medium-sized enterprises. We are, to the best so as not to be imitated in other companies, I would like to start the current Japanese exhaustive project. Immediately move it give me running the investment. After that there is also a naturally confident that profits also go out, we are confident that also benefit comes out against the country. I was told the same thing to rodrigo. To do this, I want to come ask for financial assistance. In early March we would like stuffed story to go to Sri Lanka. Until then, I would like to communicate by e-mail or telephone. Nice to meet you. Then, please tell me again your name.

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