※本シートは簡易版です。保証金の償却は考慮していません。また項目も大まかな分類となっています。※本シートは売上や利益を保証するものではありま翻訳 - ※本シートは簡易版です。保証金の償却は考慮していません。また項目も大まかな分類となっています。※本シートは売上や利益を保証するものではありま英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
This sheet is a simplified version. Deposit bonus depreciation is not taken into account. Also has become a rough classification items.* To guarantee sales and profits in this sheet is not. Please use as a reference for only the initial investment and monthly balance image.* Sell sales assessment events after sale, store buyers and of implementation whether or not will be considered in negotiations. In that case we will closing for the introduction.* Product follow-up activities and transportation lodging costs, it, business-related expenses associated with breakdown of the monthly subscription fee.* Unauthorized reproduction of this sheet is prohibited.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
※ This sheet is a simplified version. Amortization of the deposit is not taken into consideration. Also it has become a item also rough classification.
※ This sheet does not guarantee sales and profits. Please use as a reference for the image to the end of the initial investment and the monthly balance of payments.
※ After the exhibition sales, introduction propriety in negotiations with retailers buyers will be discussed with respect to sales evaluation. At that time we will do the closing towards the introduction.
※ breakdown of monthly contract fee transportation expenses accommodation expenses bill that consuming follow-up work and that of the goods, will be accompanying business-related expenses.
※ Unauthorized reproduction or copying of this sheet is prohibited.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The sheet in this version. Do not account for the deposit. The rough classification and items.This seat is not guaranteed to sales and profits. It is the monthly balance of the initial investment and the amount of images as reference materials.After * sale and sales in the business with buyers shop will be disabled. At that time, we are closing in.The breakdown of the monthly fee of the contract and follow the business of goods in transportation cost on staying at the business related expenses.This sheet of without permission is prohibited.
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