To travel to Japan. In Japan, the police to deal with crimes and innocent civilians, have many public prosecutor. In a train or shopping, please be careful. No sin, "false" guilty, in the world, Japan is the most developed countries in many countries. At the court of last resort is a stop state. This is in Japan, and at the time of the prosecution, the court has convicted the conviction of guilty. At a court the judge every ten years, but theThe examiner, the public prosecutor. In other words, the court can not compete with the prosecutor. In addition, the judge can not choose your job or promotion. The Supreme Court, the bachelor living away from their families, there are many. Many of the judge, and psychosis. Also, don't go at the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of Japan, the constitution of Japan is a country, a priority is given to the U.S. - Japan Security Treaty. If possible,When you travel to Japan, please take care. The Japanese government to protect your life or property.