脱線続きとはなりますが、外人の日本文化&歴史への関心と傾倒、親和には日本人としても目を見張るものがあり、大変に有り難く、時に反省したり、はた翻訳 - 脱線続きとはなりますが、外人の日本文化&歴史への関心と傾倒、親和には日本人としても目を見張るものがあり、大変に有り難く、時に反省したり、はた英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
脱線続きとはなりますが、外人の日本文化&歴史への関心と傾倒、親和には日本人としても目を見張るものがあり、大変に有り難く、時に反省したり、はたまた気付くこともあり、大変に勉強になります。どういった形でも、日本独自の『古き良き物&者』も『古来からある物&者の別解釈や新たなる手法等による新たなる物&者』…日本酒、国米、郷土料理、古代食材、東城百合子氏や若杉友子氏等の提唱する食養、民間療法、妙薬、南部鉄器、…長持…和包丁…古伊万里…和紙…盆栽…織り物…染色…etc多種多様な様々な価値ある素晴らしいものが廃れることなく継承=伝承=認知され、少しでも身近な物として、広く浸透して欲しいと思い、小さな活動ですが、日常遣いする事で、少しでも役に立てばと考えます。先ごろは甚平の女性版も作られ、特に若い女性が着用しますが、見た目も悪く、やはり男性の服装である思えます。特に胸元が怪しいのは、本人も周囲もハラハラ&ドキドキしてしまい、心臓にもよくありません。またそんな服装ではどうしたって神経が胸元に集中してしまうので、やはり仕事には不向きであると思えます。ドレスにフラットシューズを合わせるというのは素晴らしい案ですね。実際に合うというのも嬉しい事です。私も先ずは手持ちのフラットシューズ(格式ある場所&催し等に数足はヒール靴を持っていますが…基本フラットシューズ派)で早速試してみようと思います。素敵で役立つ有益な情報お有難うございました。(●^o^●) いずれにしも周囲に不快を与えることなく、TPOに合致した、個人の個性に沿った服装が一番かと存じます。(>_<)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
You become the derailment continued, commitment and interest in Japanese culture and history of the foreigner, affinity There are remarkable even as Japanese, very grateful, there you can reflect on sometimes, even Hata also be notice , you will very to study. Also in the same kind of form, Japan's unique "good old things and who" also "A New stuff & person according to another interpretation and A New techniques such as those & who are from ancient times" ... sake, country rice, Local cuisine, ancient ingredients, Dongcheng Yuriko and Mr. Wakasugi Tomoko Mr. etc. proposed to ShokuYo, folk remedies, miracle cure, Southern Iron, ... chests ... Japanese knives ... Imari ... Japanese paper ... bonsai ... fabrics ... staining ... those wonderful there etc a wide variety of various worth inherited = tradition = cognitive cry go out of fashion, as those familiar even a little, and I would like to see widespread, it is a small activity, by everyday diction, and we believe that if helps even a little. Recently, also made ​​female version of Jinbei, but especially young women will wear, it looks bad, it seems still is a dress of men. Of particular suspicious chest, himself around also will be suspenseful and pounding, it is not well with the heart. Further, since the nerve is concentrated in the chest I was copper in such clothes, I think that still is not suitable for work. It is a great idea because match the flat shoes to dress. And it is glad to be of that actually fit. I also first I think I Try immediately at hand of flat shoes (a few feet to the prestigious location and events, etc. has a heel shoes, but ... basic flat shoes faction). Thank you for your valuable information to help nice. (● ^ o ^ ●)
either without giving an uncomfortable around servants in, was consistent with the TPO, it is proposed that there is or best clothes along the individual's personality. (> _ <)
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
But following the derailment, and commitment to Japanese culture and history of foreign interest, have affinity with the Japanese and markedly, and sometimes very appreciated and reflection, but also very aware, is studied. In Japan, "the good old days," object "from the ancient times of different materials and techniques and the like with new products and new interpretation of '... Japanese sake, rice, local cuisine, ingredients, and Mr. Tomoko Tojo Yuriko wakasugi, etc. of the folk medicine, food, medicine,Nanbu ironware,... Chest... Japanese knife... Early Imari ware... Japanese paper... Bonsai... Fabric... Stain... Inherited the tradition to / etc / a = = a wide variety of great worth to go out without a variety, and even a little close, I want to spread widely, which is a small operation, daily use, and hopefully any thought. The women recently made version of the whale, especially when worn by young women, poor appearance, it is men's clothes. In front of the weirdHe will always & flutters around the heart is not good. Also in such a dress that you focus on the chest, so it is also not suitable for the job. It is a great idea is to match the dress flat shoes. I'm glad thing that actually fit.First of all, I have to have a flat heel shoes in places such as the status, and had a few feet... Basic flat shoes. I will try it once. Sir, thank you for your valuable information. (I / O) at around without any discomfort, and also consistent with the personality of an individual TPO most along the dress. (>_<)
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