カイロ空港のこのような状況で、エジプトに渡航するのはあきらめて下さい。リスクが高い地域に行く人、家族に心配をかける人は、大人ではないと私は思翻訳 - カイロ空港のこのような状況で、エジプトに渡航するのはあきらめて下さい。リスクが高い地域に行く人、家族に心配をかける人は、大人ではないと私は思英語言う方法




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Give up is to travel to Egypt at Cairo airport for situations like this.I think people go to a high risk area, family to worry about is not in adults.Contact Mr. H, please give up this Egypt trip.Goto, ISLI was killed this time, even at the risk of his own went to Syria.He also Japan Government and families of other people tremendous inconvenience, eventually was killed by ISLI goto says.I think his behaviour is selfish in the I. I can't relate to his actions.His family involves grief and suffering during the lifetime.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In such a situation of Cairo Airport, please to give up to travel to Egypt.
people who risk going to the high region, who put a worry in the family, I'm thinking you do not in adults. Please give up Egypt trip this time to contact Mr. H. This time, I went to Syria in his own risk Goto, who was killed in ISLI. He also put a great deal of trouble to the Japanese government and family other people, and ultimately, Goto was killed by ISLI. I think his behavior is also selfish. I can not sympathize with his behavior. His family during the life, accompanied by sorrow and suffering.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In such a situation Cairo airport, please give up to travel to Egypt. The person goes to the high risk areas, the person concerned is not an adult, I think. Please give up too H on this trip to Egypt. This time, at his own risk to go Syria goto killed in ISLI. He took a lot of trouble in Japanese government and other family members who, in the end, the goto killed by ISLI. AtI believe that his selfish behavior. His behavior, I can't. At his family life, with sorrow and suffering.
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