星の花が降るころに安東みきえ 銀木犀の花は甘い香りで、白く小さな星の形をしている。そして雪が降るように音もなく落ちてくる。去年の秋、夏実と二翻訳 - 星の花が降るころに安東みきえ 銀木犀の花は甘い香りで、白く小さな星の形をしている。そして雪が降るように音もなく落ちてくる。去年の秋、夏実と二英語言う方法

星の花が降るころに安東みきえ 銀木犀の花は甘い香りで、白く小さな星の形





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
By the time rain-star flowerMiki Ando-eh Silver sweet osmanthus flower is fragrant and has a small star-shaped white. And without sound as it snows falling. Last fall, summer fruit and was looking at that long standing alone beneath the trees and scattered flowers. In the notice, and the ground is white star had become bloated. It cannot move anymore, owning it, and Natsumi is trunk closer, by two people trapped in the tree, said and laughed. ─ ─ Gaetan! I was surprised. If you had dimly recall last fall that desk has knocked you Tobe suddenly. Tobe is turned around and shouted behind men's."Stop. I like hitting. I want to hit on purpose? 」 Classroom study time, went into the lunch break were noisily. I suspected you Tobe."Something for? 」"I'm here because I'm asking homework. Then I suddenly pushed them. 」 Tobe is always flirting with someone of the football team, are playing each other. And a little kodzuki is each other, and quickly becomes a serious quarrel. Do not know why. Cram print you Tobe held out in front of me."This problem don't know I'm. "If, that is, make sentences using the words. Would you're good at this. 」 I'm not sure. Do not know since elementary school went out. What is Tobe always me or closely related. What comes to the same school? But what a football club as good not good for you."I'm not. Do not think so much of yourself. 」 You pull the Chair would be ended next to the classroom could hear rattled. Mandated to Tobe and I got up and headed into the hallway. No time is related to you Tobe. I have decided to make peace with it. Waited while watching was poster and posted pretending to come out summer fruit in the hallway. Up to junior high school and summer fruits also have been with friend and had promised. So the different classes during the spring came always together. Nevertheless, several small parted and misunderstandings come out separately to take I. It may have had stubbornness to each other. Kissed the amulet, like a small bag from the top of the Pocket. While in silver sweet osmanthus flowers. The scent is gone now, but I don't care. Was supposed to leave, saying last fall, try something handmade in flowers. Perfume is once again not even try to make SOAP to try and fall picking up a new flower, so let's make a potpourri there as well. It was going to look so inviting. Natsumi even begin to say I should be waiting for I'm sure. Appearance of the summer fruit into your eyes. Out of the classroom to come. As soon as that I have where my heart has been clearly understood. Smoking one to appease the chest pounding sound and foil, awkwardly step."ANO, Natsumi ─ ─" I called and spoke to the summer fruit next to the class children were at the same time. After seeing this at the moment frustrated face Natsumi, while next to the child to answer something from me abruptly turned away. And we went past the front. Are watching the video without sound often feed the long felt. Noticed that when the tumult has finally returned to the ear, is Tobe in the classroom are watching here. I will have look awful. Hot's eyes and trembling lips. The jump was too embarrassed to leave and ran to the window and looked down. Also, the gate and the concrete walkway was not. Nowhere because of strong sunlight, flying colors I like. The clearness and the spectacle look anemic when similar. I looked in the intently under way looking for my friends outside. It really has no friends. No one no one at other summer fruit with my friends and I want to have. Library Board meeting was way back in late. Wear shoes change slowly and heard of soccer club from the schoolyard. I told you September midsummer day was yesterday. Slimy and melts soul from pore to leave and it was hot so I put out. Everyone in the Athletic Department at like animals of the savanna, drinking all kinds of ways to come. Sitting near a watering hole, I looked for you Tobe. Seen that Natsumi was worried. No shred of subtlety it's not known what you Tobe and then begins to say in front of everyone. Know where ever I wanted to explore. It might be about why that scene looked leisurely. Nikuラushikute mood held the weaknesses and think about it and find out, had no choice. Tobe-Kun is finally found. Should find it. Away and everyone to soccer practice, had brushed his balls per person. Soccer ball seams are weak. Apart from there. It's so useless and not do it through the grease. I'm using it only when you want to use, and are without the care of useless. I remember that was said Tobe you. In the corner of the yard without shade back rounding, and ball have cold seems like crap, you Tobe you I was watching, I thought my terribly small. Got up and turned on the water faucet. Water splashing water and put on the face. Cold. Had a soul had to melt again, finally back facial contours. Palm received water and knocking on the cheek several times, heard footsteps approaching. From behind "dude. "And was called. Tobe-Kun. Village had become familiar with ears much more clearly. While blowing the face looking back, you Tobe said."I thought. 」 A hand towel out of the eyes, stared at you Tobe. Or told what a little fear and silence."You know,"as if"that we make a sentence using the word guy. 」"Yeah,. That's that. 」"Context is everything, okay?... Thought you think me handsome ─ ─ "smiled and laughed. "─ ─ it might be. 」 I do not know does not Tobe-Kun. Put the face alone and began to blow. From becoming a junior high school student, her face never noticed, but it should be lower than I am of Tobe you back somewhere along the line I have been higher than that. I focused my towel and laughed. Has been soaked with the tears because of too much laughter is, maybe. From the school at the back, with a little detour, shiroki Rhino Park. Evergreen's silver tea olive all year round しげって leaves. Dome room's like a prune, clean it and put under the tree. Here by I love summer fruit and I, had decided that only two secret bases. If you are here from okay, what protects trees. It was believe. Even getting close to the evening sun is still strong. Under the cool shade. Resting the hand weeding of the aunt who cleaned and spoke to me."It's good wood Hey, this shade was a me. But early spring is bare of leaves unexpectedly nasty I'm clean,. 」 I was puzzled. Even though evergreens year round leaves shigette is supposed to be."And is nothing like the leaf doesn't fall far. 」"Believe it or not. I'm getting old leaves sprout new leaves as falling. Oh yeah. You can not afford, how much wood I can't live 」 The face in the hat looked white as teeth dark and I couldn't, but I laughed. Aunt may think and say, with a broom and walked on the other side of the Park. I stood underneath, looked at the silver osmanthus trees. Shone like a star twinkles in the semi-spherical air sinking Sun sunshine glimmered and from between the leaves. Out of plastic bag from his pocket. Squashed smaller petals, other colors are all faded. Open the mouth of the bag, dropped on the ground and star-shaped flowers. Here some day and summer fruit and flowers can be found at day might come. Or you could pick up with someone different. Or maybe don't do that anymore. Good either. Okay, I managed to get. I got the silver osmanthus trees.
翻訳ツールのサポート: アイスランド語, アイルランド語, アゼルバイジャン語, アフリカーンス語, アムハラ語, アラビア語, アルバニア語, アルメニア語, イタリア語, イディッシュ語, イボ語, インドネシア語, ウイグル語, ウェールズ語, ウクライナ語, ウズベク語, ウルドゥ語, エストニア語, エスペラント語, オランダ語, オリヤ語, カザフ語, カタルーニャ語, カンナダ語, ガリシア語, キニヤルワンダ語, キルギス語, ギリシャ語, クメール語, クリンゴン, クルド語, クロアチア語, グジャラト語, コルシカ語, コーサ語, サモア語, ショナ語, シンド語, シンハラ語, ジャワ語, ジョージア(グルジア)語, スウェーデン語, スコットランド ゲール語, スペイン語, スロバキア語, スロベニア語, スワヒリ語, スンダ語, ズールー語, セブアノ語, セルビア語, ソト語, ソマリ語, タイ語, タガログ語, タジク語, タタール語, タミル語, チェコ語, チェワ語, テルグ語, デンマーク語, トルクメン語, トルコ語, ドイツ語, ネパール語, ノルウェー語, ハイチ語, ハウサ語, ハワイ語, ハンガリー語, バスク語, パシュト語, パンジャブ語, ヒンディー語, フィンランド語, フランス語, フリジア語, ブルガリア語, ヘブライ語, ベトナム語, ベラルーシ語, ベンガル語, ペルシャ語, ボスニア語, ポルトガル語, ポーランド語, マオリ語, マケドニア語, マラガシ語, マラヤーラム語, マラーティー語, マルタ語, マレー語, ミャンマー語, モンゴル語, モン語, ヨルバ語, ラオ語, ラテン語, ラトビア語, リトアニア語, ルクセンブルク語, ルーマニア語, ロシア語, 中国語, 日本語, 繁体字中国語, 英語, 言語を検出する, 韓国語, 言語翻訳.

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