Like a sad song, such as at the day alone at the wrong at the sleepless night also can not give up too suddenly realize that you always nearby at me from all over the world. I hated to be used at the strong love that kind of invisible to you at this, I strongly support. This is from language can not express the feelings to sing at my cheek and flowing through the tears. You said you wanted
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noise of buried at the empty street, I look at love andFamily even at the block to which one is not too 思いやれ afford no feelings. You gave me the words at the cold heart, a kind of love that you don't look at me at this wrap this strong support from language can not express the feelings sing at my cheek and flowing through the tears. You said you wanted
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together I could fly if at any time Feel good at Cos inside you 're in my eyes I need all that and moreBy the want of it with you and you feel you 're here at the You for me at the Just invisible love you so gently wrap at me so hard at being supported from language could not express the desire to sing at my cheek flowing through the tears. You said you wanted
「 1993