1~20/26,107件[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ].米大統領選 民主も共和も接戦国際2016年2月1日 11時59分..移民の子供 翻訳 - 1~20/26,107件[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ].米大統領選 民主も共和も接戦国際2016年2月1日 11時59分..移民の子供 英語言う方法

1~20/26,107件[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ].米大統領選


[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ]
.米大統領選 民主も共和も接戦国際2016年2月1日 11時59分..
移民の子供 行方不明1万人超国際2016年2月1日 11時42分..
ナイアガラ 一時水抜き計画国際2016年2月1日 11時31分..
86人死亡 ボコ・ハラム襲撃か国際2016年2月1日 11時10分..
「嘆きの壁」男女共に礼拝可国際2016年2月1日 10時56分..
豪の潜水艦 受注は日仏対決か国際2016年2月1日 10時8分..
北朝鮮に強力制裁 中国が難色国際2016年2月1日 9時46分..
シリア和平 実質協議始まらず国際2016年2月1日 8時23分..
シリアで71人死亡 IS犯行声明国際2016年2月1日 8時0分..
村に襲撃65人死亡 西アフリカ国際2016年2月1日 1時24分..
シリア首都で爆発 IS犯行声明国際2016年2月1日 0時32分..
3度爆発 シリアで45人死亡国際2016年1月31日 22時28分..
若い世代 サンダース氏に熱狂国際2016年1月31日 22時6分..
戦後置き去り 比の無国籍邦人国際2016年1月31日 18時24分..
消される調査報道 中国で波紋国際2016年1月31日 17時14分..
英の新型駆逐艦 全隻で不具合国際2016年1月31日 17時10分..
平昌五輪 工事代未払いで混乱国際2016年1月31日 16時29分..
100人が子供の難民暴行 北欧国際2016年1月31日 15時17分..
米バイク見本市で発砲7人死傷国際2016年1月31日 15時4分..
ポリ袋ユニでメッシ目指す5歳国際2016年1月31日 11時9分


[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ]
.トランプ氏 視聴者数で敗北国際2016年1月31日 10時7分..
難民は戦闘終結後に帰国を 独国際2016年1月31日 8時20分..
難民船転覆 子供ら39人死亡国際2016年1月31日 0時15分..
オランダもシリアでIS空爆へ国際2016年1月30日 22時48分..
真冬のエーゲ海渡る難民の今国際2016年1月30日 22時31分..
米 西沙で「航行の自由作戦」国際2016年1月30日 22時6分..
PKO隊員の性的虐待 昨年69件国際2016年1月30日 20時55分..
北「奇襲発射」あり得るか?国際2016年1月30日 19時11分..
不死身の攻撃機 またも再評価国際2016年1月30日 17時17分..
難民施設に手りゅう弾 ドイツ国際2016年1月30日 16時38分..
北の政治犯「被ばく労働」か国際2016年1月30日 15時22分..
露戦闘機 米偵察機に異常接近国際2016年1月30日 13時22分..
北のミサイル来週にも 米当局国際2016年1月30日 11時7分..
パラグアイで邦人男性殺害国際2016年1月30日 8時54分..
中国鉱山崩落 35日ぶり救出国際2016年1月30日 0時36分..
ホットヨガ創始者に賠償命令国際2016年1月29日 22時25分..
露機墜落 整備士が爆弾設置か国際2016年1月29日 22時23分..
豪の複数の学校で爆弾騒ぎ国際2016年1月29日 21時51分..
トランプ氏不在 無難な討論会国際2016年1月29日 21時12分..
北ミサイル 予告なく発射も国際2016年1月29日 18時1分


[ 前の20件 | 次の20件 ]
.バービー刷新 現実的な体形も国際2016年1月29日 12時55分..
ソウルの駅で火災 20人超避難国際2016年1月29日 11時41分..
クラプトン氏に賠償命令 仏国際2016年1月29日 11時9分..
北核実験 水爆の部品だけか国際2016年1月29日 11時8分..
仏ディズニーで銃所持 男逮捕国際2016年1月29日 6時20分..
オペラ歌声を事件と勘違い 蘭国際2016年1月28日 19時41分..
北、ミサイル準備か 周辺に幕国際2016年1月28日 17時5分..
台湾総統 南沙諸島の島を訪問国際2016年1月28日 16時53分..
タイで幸運呼ぶ人形がブーム国際2016年1月28日 16時1分..
イランに配慮 裸像を覆い非難国際2016年1月28日 14時41分..
北朝鮮、ミサイル発射準備か国際2016年1月28日 13時7分..
移民8万人を国外退去へ 北欧国際2016年1月28日 12時7分..
難民の金奪う「幸せな北欧」国際2016年1月28日 8時50分..
米FRB 金利据え置きを決定国際2016年1月28日 5時25分..
武装許された教師 パキスタン国際2016年1月27日 23時4分..
子ども2.5億人 紛争地で生活国際2016年1月27日 21時23分..
大統領適任者なし 米国民3割国際2016年1月27日 19時41分..
韓国沖で中国船転覆 5人不明国際2016年1月27日 19時7分..
バンクシー作品 取材中に撤去国際2016年1月27日 18時8分..
露外相 平和条約と領土は別国際2016年1月27日 11時57分

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1-20 / 26, 107 views[ Previous 20 results | Next 20 results].U.S. presidential democratic and Republican are hotly contested international 2/1/2016 11:59..Immigrant kids missing over 10000 people international 2/1/2016 11:42..Niagara temporary draining plan international 2/1/2016 11:31..86 people killed Boko Haram attack or international 2/1/2016 11:10.."Wailing wall" men and women alike to worship-international 2/1/2016 10:56..France showdown-Australian submarine orders or international 2/1/2016 10:08..North Korea strong sanctions China's reluctant international 2/1/2016 9:46..Syria Peace real talks non based international 2/1/2016 8:23..Syria at the 71 people killed IS crime statement international 2/1/2016 8:00..65 people in raids in the village killed West African International 2/1/2016 1:24..In the Syria capital's explosion IS crime statement international 2046 年 2 月 4 日 32..3 ° 45 people killed in blasts Syria international 1/31/2016 22:28..Sanders youth to the enthusiastic international 1/31/2016 22:06..After World War II left behind ratio stateless nationals international 1/31/2016 18:24..Investigative reporter turned China's ripples international 1/31/2016 17:14..Glitches in the new destroyer all ships of the British International 1/31/2016 17:10..Ping Chang Olympics work unpaid in chaos international 1/31/2016 16:29..100 person's child refugees assaulted Nordic International 1/31/2016 15:17..U.S. motorcycle fair in firing seven injured international 1/31/2016 15:04..In plastic bags in the uni Messi goal 5-year-old international 1/31/2016 11:0921-40 / 26, 107 views[ Previous 20 results | Next 20 results].Trump said viewers in defeat international 1/31/2016 10:07..Refugee's German international 1/31/2016 8:20 returning after the battle end..39 people from a refugee boat capsized child mortality international 1/31/2016 15...Netherlands also in Syria IS bombing to international 1/30/2016 22:48..Now refugees across the Aegean Sea in the winter of international 1/30/2016 22:31..US West Sha in "operation freedom of navigation" international 1/30/2016 22:06..PKO personnel sexually abused last year 69 international 1/30/2016 20:55..North surprise launch?? international 1/30/2016 19:11..Attack aircraft of the immortal once again re-evaluate international 1/30/2016 17:17..Refugee facilities on hand grenade Germany international 1/30/2016 16:38..Political prisoners in Northern exposure to labor or international 1/30/2016 15:22..Russian fighter U.S. reconnaissance aircraft to unusual approach international 1/30/2016 13:22..U.S. officials international 1/30/2016 11:07 in the North missile next week..Japanese man kills international 1/30/2016 8:54 in Paraguay..China mine collapse 35-day Buri rescue international 1/30/2016 36...Hot Yoga founder on the liability order international 1/29/2016 22:25..Russian plane crash mechanic bomb or international 1/29/2016 22:23..In Australia more than one school bomb scare international 1/29/2016 21:51..Trump's Office safe meeting international 1/29/2016 21: 12 pm..Also fired missiles North without international 1/29/2016 18:0141-60 / 26, 107 views[ Previous 20 results | Next 20 results].Barbie revamped realistic body also international 1/29/2016 12:55..In the Seoul station fire over 20 people displaced international 1/29/2016 11:41..Clapton said the compensation order France International 1/29/2016 11:09..Northern real nuclear test bomb parts only or international 1/29/2016 11:08..French Disney with a gun, has the man arrested international 1/29/2016 6:20..Opera singing incident and misunderstanding Orchid international 1/28/2016 19:41..North, missiles ready or near Makuhari international 1/28/2016 17:05..Taiwan President's visit international 1/28/2016 16:53 island of the Spratly Islands..Good luck in Thailand call doll craze international 1/28/2016 16:01 up..Cover the environmentally friendly nude figure in Iran condemned international 1/28/2016 14:41..North Korea's missile launch preparations or international 1/28/2016 13:07..Immigration 80000 people deported from Scandinavian international 1/28/2016 12:07..Rob refugees of gold "a happy Nordic" international 2046 年 4 月 28 日 8: 50 pm..U.S. FRB interest rate unchanged for decision international 1/28/2016 5:25..That allowed armed teachers Pakistan International 1/27/2016 23: 4 pm..250 million children in conflict areas life international 1/27/2016 21:23...No presidential candidate United States citizens 3% of international 1/27/2016 19:41..Chinese ship capsizing five missing off the coast of Korea International 1/27/2016 19:07..Banksy works coverage in dismantling international 1/27/2016 18:08...Russian Foreign Ministers ' peace treaty and territories is another international 1/27/2016 11:57
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
1 ~ 20 / 26,107 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 items ] . US presidential election the Democratic also Republic also head-to-head international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 11 hours 59 minutes .. immigration of children missing 1 million people super international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 11 hour 42 minutes .. Niagara one o'clock draining -out plan international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 11 hour 31 minutes .. 86 deaths Boko Haram attack or international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 11 hour 10 minutes .. "嘆Kino wall" both men and women to worship Allowed international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 10 hour 56 minutes .. the Australian of the submarine orders in Japan and France confrontation or international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 10 hour 8 minutes .. North Korea to strong sanctions China is reluctant international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 9 hour 46 minutes .. Syria peace real consultation started Marazu international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 8 hours 23 minutes .. in Syria 71 people died iS claimed responsibility international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 8 hour 0 minutes .. village to raid 65 deaths West Africa International 2016 year 2 month 1 day 1 hour 24 minutes .. Syria capital in the explosion IS claimed responsibility international 2016 year 2 month 1 day 0 hour 32 minutes .. 3 degrees explosion Syria in 45 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 22 hours 28 minutes .. youth have generation Sanders said to enthusiastic international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 22 hours 6 minutes .. postwar location -out removed by Ri ratio of statelessness Japanese international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 18 hours 24 minutes .. consumption is is investigative reporting in China in the international ripples 2016 years 1 month 31 days 17 hours 14 minutes .. Britain of the new destroyer all cough in trouble international 2016 year 1 month 31 day 17 o'clock 10 minutes .. Pyeongchang Olympics construction cost accrued Do not mess international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 16 hours 29 minutes .. 100 people are children of refugees assault Nordic international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 15 hours 17 minutes .. US bike trade fair in the fire 7 people casualties international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 15 hours 4 minutes .. poly bag Messi at Uni aiming to 5 -year-old international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 11 hours 9 minutes 21 ~ 40 / 26,107 reviews [ before of 20 reviews | next of 20 items ] . Trump said the number of viewers in the defeat international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 10 hours 7 minutes .. refugees is after combat end to return the Germany international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 8 hours 20 minutes . . refugee boat capsized children et al 39 deaths international 2016 years 1 month 31 days 0 hours 15 minutes .. Netherlands in Syria IS air strikes to the international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 22 hours 48 minutes .. midwinter of Aegean Kaito Ru refugees of now International 2016 years 1 month 30 days 22 hours 31 minutes .. rice Paracel in the "navigation of freedom strategy" international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 22 hours 6 minutes .. PKO personnel of sexual abuse last year 69 review international 2016 year 1 month 30 day 20 hours 55 minutes .. North "surprise firing" There obtained Luke ? international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 19 hours 11 minutes .. invulnerability of attack aircraft once again re-evaluate international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 17 hours 17 minutes . . refugee facility in hand flow bullets Germany international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 16 hours 38 minutes .. north of political prisoners, "the exposure labor" or international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 15 hours 22 minutes .. Russian fighter US reconnaissance aircraft to abnormal approach international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 13 hours 22 minutes .. north of missile next week to US authorities International 2016 years 1 month 30 days 11 hours 7 minutes .. Paraguay Japanese man killed international 2016 years 1 month 30 days 8 during the 54 minutes .. China mine collapse 35 days the first time in international rescue 2016 years 1 month 30 days 0 hours 36 minutes .. hot yoga founder in compensation instruction international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 22 hours 25 minutes .. dew machine crash mechanic is bomb installation or international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 22 hours 23 minutes .. Australian of multiple of school in the bomb noisy technique international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 21 hours 51 minutes .. Trump Mr. absence safe a debate international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 21 hours 12 minutes .. north missile notice without firing even international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 18 hours 1 minute 41 ~ 60 / 26,107 reviews [ before of 20 items | next of 20 items ] . Barbie renewal realistic a figure also International 2016 years 1 month 29 days 12 hours 55 minutes .. of Seoul station in the fire 20 people ultra evacuation international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 11 hours 41 minutes .. Clapton said in compensation instruction Buddha international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 11 hours 9 minutes .. Kitakaku experimental hydrogen bomb of parts only or international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 11 hours 8 minutes .. Buddha Disney in gun possession man arrested international 2016 years 1 month 29 days 6 hours 20 minutes .. Opera singing the incident and Kan違have orchid international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 19 hours 41 minutes .. north, missile preparation or around the curtain international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 17 hours 5 minutes .. Taiwan President Spratly Islands in the island to visit international 2016 year 1 month 28 days 16 hours 53 minutes .. in Thailand luck call Lovely Idol doll boom international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 16 hours 1 minute .. in Iran consideration nude the covering has accused international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 14 hours 41 minutes . . North Korea, missile launch preparation or international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 13 hours 7 minutes .. immigration 8 million people a deportation to Northern Europe international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 12 hours 7 minutes .. refugees of gold robbed intends "Kou not a Nordic "international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 8 hours 50 minutes .. US FRB interest rate deferral example location -out the decision international 2016 years 1 month 28 days 5 hours 25 minutes .. armed Xu has been a teacher Pakistan International 2016 year 1 January 27 day 23 hours 4 minutes .. child us 2.5 billion people conflict areas in life international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 21 hours 23 minutes .. the President right person without the Americans 3 percent international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 19 hours 41 minutes .. South Korea off the coast in the Chinese ship capsized 5 people unknown international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 19 hours 7 minutes .. Banksy in work coverage to the removal international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 18 hours 8 minutes .. Rogaisho peace treaty and the territory is another international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 11 hours 57 minutesBanksy in work coverage to removal international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 18 hours 8 minutes .. Rogaisho peace treaty and the territory is another international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 11 hours 57 minutesBanksy in work coverage to removal international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 18 hours 8 minutes .. Rogaisho peace treaty and the territory is another international 2016 years 1 month 27 days 11 hours 57 minutes

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
1 to 20 and 26,,The previous, next,.If the U.S. Democratic presidential Republic international market close on February 1, 11:59..Immigrant children whereabouts unknown 10000 an international outlook on February 1, 11:42..Temporary drain Niagara international outlook on February 1, 11, 31 minutes..Boko Haram attacks international 86 people died in February 11 o'clock 10 minutes..The Wailing Wall "and" service available on February 1, the international market at..Submarine orders of Buddha Day showdown international outlook on February 1, 8 o'clock 10 minutes..North Korea sanctions, China international market strong disapproval on February 1, 9 at..But the real peace talks begin Syria international outlook on February 8 at..In Syria 71 deaths IS International Responsibility Outlook on February 1, 0 8 minutes..In the village of West African International 65 attack people died in February 24 minutes during the day.In Syria explosion IS responsibility international capital market on February 1, 0 when 32 minutes..Three times in the international market Syria explosion killed 31 January 22 at 28 minutes..The younger generation in the international market, Mr. Sanders frenzy 31 January 22 6 minutes..The war left ratio stateless International Japanese 2016 31 January 18 at 24 minutes..China is in the erased investigative reporting international ripples 2016 31 January 17 for..British destroyer ships all new problems in international market 31 January 17 o'clock 10 minutes..In the construction of Olympic host the 2016 outstanding international turmoil, 31 January 29 minutes..100 children who assaulted refugees international Nordic 2016 31 January 15 - 17 min...U.S. International Trade Fair of injury or fire bike 7 January 31, 2016 at 4 minutes..Five years in a poly bag, Messi, aiming at the International Union for 2016 31 January 11 at 9 minutes21 to 26,,The previous, next,.Mr. Trump International viewers defeat 2016 31 January 10 minutes..The refugees to return to combat international after the end of January 31, 2016 8:20..Refugee ship capsizing 39 children died on January 31, 2016 international at 0..If Holland international Syria to 2016 IS air strikes on March 22 at..Midwinter crossing the international refugee now Aegean Sea 2016 22 January 30, 31 minutes..In the "operation" of the Paracel international freedom of navigation in February 22 6 minutes..Sexual abuse of PKO member 69 international last year, 2016 - January 30, when 20 minutes..North? ""? International 2016 launch a surprise attack on March 19 November.International Review of the immortal attack again in February 17 at 17 minutes..The German international refugee facility grenade 2016 January 30 38 minutes..Political prisoners in North "exposure" international labor market 30 January 22 minutes..Fighter in the U.S. spy plane between the international market on March 13 at 22 minutes..North missile next week in the U.S. authorities international 2016 30 January 11 at..Japanese man was killed in the international market Paraguay 30 January 8 o'clock on 54 minutes..China mine collapse rescue international 35 days after 2016 during January 30 0 36 minutes..Founder international order for the 2016 Tokyo on March 22 at..Russia plane crash bomb mechanic or international 2016 29 January 22 23 minutes..A plurality of Australian International School bomb 2016 29 January 21 when 51 minutes..Mr. Trump International Symposium on safe absence 2016 29 January 21 at the time of 12 minutes..North missile launch international 2016 without notice on March 18 at the time of 1 minute41 to 60 / 26,,The previous, next,.Innovation and realistic Barbie figure international 2016 29 January 12 minutes..The fire evacuation Seoul 20 an international outlook January 29 at..Clapton in order for the 2016 France international 29 January 11 at the time 9 min...Just north of nuclear bomb parts international 2016 29 January 11 minutes..The man was arrested for possession of guns by Disney and international market on March 6 at the time of 20 minutes.Voice and opera case orchid international 2016 misunderstanding on March 19 at..In the north, missile, or act in international market on March 17 at five minutes..The president visited the island international Taiwan Nansha 2016 28 January 16 p.m...In Thailand doll Lucky International 2016 28 January 16 at the time of 1 minute.Consideration on Iran nude covering international condemnation for the 2016 28 January 14 at..North Korea missile launch, the international market on March 13 at..Nordic international 8 million immigrants to 2016 28 January 12 7 minutes..The "happy" Nordic international money market on March 8 at the time of 50 minutes..Short-term U.S. interest rate decision FRB international 2016 28 January 5 p.m...The teacher allowed international armed Pakistan 2016 27 January 23 at the time of 4 minutes..Children 2.5 billion in 2016 conflict in international 27 January 21 at..The American people elected president without qualified 3% international market 27 January 19 at..Chinese boat capsized off the coast of Korea international five unknown 2016 27 January 19 at..Sea bank works in international market by removal of 27 January 18 8 minutes..The peace treaty with Russian Foreign Minister international territory to 2016 27 January 11 o'clock 57 minutes
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