AKB選挙40thシングル「僕たちは戦わない」通常版・初回限定版のネット予約開始AKB選挙40thシングル「僕たちは戦わない」劇場盤の申し込翻訳 - AKB選挙40thシングル「僕たちは戦わない」通常版・初回限定版のネット予約開始AKB選挙40thシングル「僕たちは戦わない」劇場盤の申し込英語言う方法




4月15日 13:00 劇場盤、受け付け終了
5月19日 10:00 投票開始
5月20日 AKB選挙40thシングル発売
5月20日 20:30ごろ 速報発表
6月5日 15:00 投票終了
6月6日 開票(福岡ヤフオクドーム)

《 投票権 》

・AKB48/SKE48/NMB48/HKT48 DMM月額会員
・AKB公式ファンクラブ 二本柱の会


・各グループのモバイル会員に入ることで 計4票投票できます

・スマホなら各グループのスマホ会員に入ることで 計4票投票できます




投票サイトに アクセスして 入力し投票します

投票は パソコンでも携帯でもスマホでも可能になります
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Fight we the AKB single 40 election of the regular Edition and limited edition for Internet reservationFight we the election 40 single AKB Theatre Panel application start (~ 4/15)By the year 20154/15 13:00 Theatre, closed.5/19 10:00 vote starts40th single released in May elections5/20 20:30 about preliminary announcement6/5 15:00 voting ends6/6 votes counted (JAWOC Fukuoka Dome)"Vote."-40th single "we don't fight" (released 5/20)-normal Edition-(first edition) and movieAKB48/SKE48/NMB48/HKT48 mobile membershipAKB48/SKE48/NMB48/HKT48 DMM monthly membership-AKB official fan book II ofS Mobile Smartphone members."-A by entering the mobile members of each group can vote total 4 votes-If the smartphone into the Smartphone membership of each group total 4 votes can cast their voteAKB48 5/20 releasedThe paper has been sealed in the fight we are the single-CDVoting site address and number are writtenThe vote, then voting siteThe vote will enable PC or mobile or Smartphone
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
AKB election 40th single, "we can not fight" normal version, Limited Edition net reservation start of AKB election 40th single, "we can not fight" application start of theater board (~ April 15) , 2015 April 15, 13: 00 theater board accepts ending May 19 10:00 Vote start May 20 AKB election 40th single released May 20 20:30 around bulletin announced June 5 15:00 Vote ending June 6 vote counting (Fukuoka Yahoo! Auctions dome) "vote" -40th single, "we can not fight" (May 20 release) Regular Edition, Limited Edition and theater board · AKB48 / SKE48 / NMB48 / HKT48 mobile member · AKB48 / SKE48 / NMB48 / HKT48 DMM monthly member · AKB official fan club two pillars of society "mobile smartphone Member" Mobile member to enter in to, you can vote a total of four votes of each group a total of 4 votes vote by entering into of each group · If smartphone smartphone member You can will be released on May 20 of AKB48 single CD "We can not fight" to the paper, which is encapsulated in the address and the number has been written of the voting site by accessing the voting site Enter and vote vote It will be possible in smartphone in mobile even on a PC

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
AKB 40 th single "election" we fight AKB net reservation start up election 40 normal edition, limited edition, "" we have started to offer single th April 15 2015 theatre at the RI Board 15 April 13, at the receiving end theater version may 19 voting starts at 10:00 on May 20 th at 40 single AKB election on June 30 at around 20 report published on June 6, 15:00 counted at the end of June vote (voting rights 》

《 Yahoo dome40 'single' we don't fight (20) is usually the first panel and panel at the theatre and AKB 48 SKE 48 NMB 48 HKT mobile member at the AKB 48 SKE 48 NMB 48 HKT 48 DMM monthly membership at the two pillars AKB Official Fan Club Association of

《 mobile mobile member, and each group of mobile 》

into four votes in the vote can be mobile and mobile on each group of members that you can vote and vote it AKB 48 May 20 to be tooIn the paper, a single CD "not" we fight to the inclusion and the number of voting site address is written into the input access to vote to vote in polls well site computer or portable or mobile.
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