こんにちははじめまして私は日本の兵庫県に住んでいます。私はつい最近ピーターアンドゴードンの動画を見つけました かっこいい人だなと思い、さっそ翻訳 - こんにちははじめまして私は日本の兵庫県に住んでいます。私はつい最近ピーターアンドゴードンの動画を見つけました かっこいい人だなと思い、さっそ英語言う方法






ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Good afternoonNice to meet youI live in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan.I just recently found your videos of Peter and Gordon Whats up people new and thought, why don't you listen without delay was surprised in a very good song.I didn't know why until now!I bought a CD in a hurryA song a song touch my heartListening listen concentrated on Gordon's voice, concentrating on Peter's voice, so not quite hear all.I cannot see your photos in Internet.He shows photos. I think a nice person.I have become a fan of Peter IDid not think how to believe it or not my parents generation to loveBeing able to meet you, I am happy but sad.Please forgive me but may have gone into writing rude because I don't speak EnglishAnd thank you for reading our
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I live in Hyogo Prefecture of Japan.
I just recently I found a video of Peter and Gordon
is thought that's cool man, I was surprised at the very good song when I heard immediately.
Why I wonder you did not know until now!
Hurry and I wrote CD
will sound in one song one song heart
and listen to concentrate on Gordon's voice, I do not listen hard songs and because it is listening to concentrate to the voice of Peter's.
I will not be able to see your photos only on the net.
I will find good personality from photos. I think it's a nice person. I've become to Peter's fan No way I did not think that it is going to love the person of the same generation as their parents are happy to know you, but that you do not meet the lonely. Since I can not speak English you might have become rude sentence but please forgive me Thank you for now please read

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hello, nice to meet you. I live in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan. I think I found recently in ピーターアンドゴードン video cool people at once, and when you listen to a damn good. Did not know why at will ever! Listen to the voice at the focus of Mr. Gordon is to buy at the CD connotations in one piece of mind in a hurry, he's focused on voice so listen listen to songs. AtI can't see your photos only. From the photo to see her. I think that a nice person. I don't think he's got a fan. I love as my parents' generation and was happy to know you, but I do miss it. I can't speak English, so rude to the text may be read but please excuse me please thank you too
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