2.1 length of the contraction and the clock delay and the mass of the increase
beginning in space (length and distance) and time (clock) think about the mass. In the special theory of relativity, when the length of the object in the still inertial system ☆ is that the object is moving at the speed ☆ against the still inertial system, in the direction of motion, the shrinkage in ☆ the speed of light as ☆ (Lorentz contraction c) shortened, the movement direction and the vertical direction remains no shrinking without ☆ in. The same tick of the clock in the still inertial system ☆, the watch is so chopped slowly late in ☆ when in motion at a speed ☆ against the still inertial system. Further object of mass ☆ is in the same stationary inertial system, increases ☆ when the object is moving at the speed ☆ against the still inertial system.
Here, the increase of delays and mass ☆ to the to the length of the ☆ shrinkage and watch ☆ is either really really realistic to shrink Dari delay or to increase or to those, observed manner is not the case Just it appears to be or to increase on a shrink Dari or delay apparent, actually think about the fact that what does not happen to be or increased or delay shrink. Interpretation and of the special theory of relativity up to now, textbooks and Reference, in the description of the enlightenment certificate, all has been taken is the former, it is the interpretation that or actually shrink Dari delay or increase, real that here interpretation is a mistake, to indicate that it must be considered or to delay or increase shrink the apparent observation manner. If you do not believe so made originally (ie, contracted to increase or delay Dari), the entire theory of relativity is the general theory of relativity also be included, since it is that no longer represent the physical world of reality, it is actually Sonaruto interpretation While in than is that it as we discuss now be erroneous, relativity is not I represent the physical world of reality except those related to light.
For first of length contraction, when ☆ to have length ☆ the death stationary in inertial system ☆ exercise against inertial system ☆ at a speed ☆ in length ☆ direction of, shrinks to ☆ when viewed from the inertial system ☆ It is that the observed (mapped to ☆) to ☆. That's has shrunk to ☆ it is not something that ☆ be that photographed the ☆ Bruno ☆ of the ☆. This special is in the theory of relativity ☆ length of up to now ☆ itself is actually shrinks when you exercise ☆ from a stationary, it is of that mistake. The length of the real value of a than shrink but observed value does not shrink, and then confuse this reality and the observation, it is not as well have been the real value is also contracted with the observed value. Or as an observed value contracts also real value of the beyond if shortened, it is of being equated with those of the real thing on the apparent. Because here's that speed is relative, it can be said the same even look at the ☆ from ☆. . That length is stationary in ☆ ☆ it appears to shrink in ☆ when viewed from ☆ (is mapped to ☆). . Actual ☆ ☆ Bruno has not shrunk. In short, we look at the opponent each other from two of the inertial system of relative speed ☆, but is not yet shrunk actually both, it is that seems to shrink with each other. This fact to both of you do not shrink any, that place where textbooks and manual ever be a place important to the newly in this book and the observed dynamics, in such enlightenment certificate it is that it is not written.