強く洗脳する方法寝ている間に相手を洗脳します。建物の寝室を車で囲みます。車から夜の間、電波を出し続けます。寝ている対象者は強く洗脳されます。翻訳 - 強く洗脳する方法寝ている間に相手を洗脳します。建物の寝室を車で囲みます。車から夜の間、電波を出し続けます。寝ている対象者は強く洗脳されます。英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
How to brainwash stronglyHypnotize the opponent while you sleep.Enclose the building bedrooms in car.Out of the car during the night, continues to emit radio waves.Sleeping person is brainwashed strongly.Staffed by car at night as suspicious.Strong in the morning brainwashing is complete.Radiation from the radio.Radio 2 is required.This method is often used.Be careful.I can identify the culprit if you examine the vehicle number.///////////Strong brainwashing is by reducing the dinner can be significantly weakened,Is to brainwash requires energy in the body.♦ residence (bedroom)Damage after the culprit throughout the room give the transmitter.For example, it is below the ceiling, desk.To change the bedroom and meals. To another building.It is important to be alone in the room.How to unlock a brainwashing.It is important to be alone.Padlock be placed at the entrance of the room.It is recommended to lock more than one entrance.Emergency measuresAbout brainwashing recovered at the poolIf you sleep after coming home,In the morning are also brainwashed.If sleeping in a strong signal areaIt is difficult to regain the brainwashing.Note that a place to sleep after the pool.There are people who sleep in a weak country radio.Consider a place to sleep.A lot of people goes to the pool.However, they once again strongly brainwashed.Be careful not to damage by misunderstanding.♦ dwellingChoose a region of radio waves is a place to sleep.Big City radio is strong.With 30 minutes to go by train or by car from the city can move in weak signal areas.You can't sleep in a dangerous area.・・・・・・・
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
How to strongly brainwashing
and brainwashing the opponent while you are sleeping.
Enclose the bedroom of the building by car.
During the night from the car, it will continue emitting radio waves.
Subjects who are sleeping will be brainwashed strongly.
It staffed suspicious car only night.
Strong brainwashing is complete in the morning.
And irradiating the radio waves from the front and rear.
Radio waves must have two.
This method is often used.
be careful.
I think that the culprit can be identified by examining the vehicle number.
Strong brainwashing can be significantly weakened by reducing the dinner
brainwashing is because it requires the energy of the body. ■ residence (bedroom) after a victim, perpetrator will put a transmitter on everywhere in the room. For example, the ceiling, is under the desk. Please change the meal or bedroom for that. Please be in another building. The room it is important that the one person in. How to remove the brainwashing. It is important that the one person. Installing a padlock at the entrance of the room. The doorway is recommended that you apply a plurality of keys. Emergency measures for people who brainwashing has been recovered in the pool after returning home, if you sleep you are or brainwashing the next morning. If you are sleeping in the strong radio wave region is a difficult situation to recover the brainwashing. After I went to the pool, please note the place to sleep. There are people who sleep in the radio waves of the weak country. Please think good place to sleep. A lot of people will not go to the pool. But they have been brainwashed again strongly. Please be careful to not become a victim in the misunderstanding. ■ dwelling place to sleep choose the areas where radio waves do not reach. Urban radio wave is strong. You can move to the weak area of radio waves by moving 30 minutes by train or car from the city. You can not sleep in a dangerous region. .......

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
How to strengthen brainwashWhile I sleep, brainwashed.The building of the bedroom in the car.Out of the car at night, and will continue to send out radio waves.Strongly brainwashed for sleeping.Be stationed in the suspicious car only at night.In the morning, have been strong.Radio waves are irradiated from the back and forth.The radio is necessary.It is most often used in this method.Please note.I think that the number can be specified if the criminal.///////////Strong brainwashed by reducing the dinner can greatly weakenBrainwashing is required for the energy of the body."Residential (bedroom)After the match, the damage to the transmitter the culprit everywhere in the room.For example, the ceiling is under the desk.Therefore, dining and bedroom. Get to another building.It is important to be alone in the room.Method for releasing the brainwashing.It is important to be alone.The room is installed at the entrance of the padlock.It is recommended that a plurality of keys on the doorway.Emergency measuresIn the pool to brainwash for recoveryAfter returning home, sleepThe next morning the are brainwashed.If you are sleeping with a strong local radioIt is difficult to recover the brainwashing.After going to the pool, please note that place to sleep.People sleeping in the weak radio wave.Please consider the place you go to bed.A lot of people are going to the swimming pool.But again they brainwashed.Please note that not all the damage."ResidenceSelect a region to place out of reach.The city has a strong radio wave.You can move the weak radio wave from the urban area in the moving half an hour by train or car.You can't sleep in dangerous areas.And...
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